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Third Person Pov:

It was about 5 in the morning when rosé groaned from a phone call, "hello?" "chaeyoung!" "manager unnie? whats going on?" "sorry to wake you so early but! great news, you have a offer"

"for what?" "acting" "uh.. no thanks" "it's a romance and murder mystery" "no thanks specifically not romance or horror" "ugh! you're making me ruin the surprise! if you accept, you're playing rennie's lover"

"i'm in." "okay! great! i'll tell them! thanks chae" "mhm, bye unnie." she immediately pressed onto your contact and called you. "y/n-" "did you accept?" "you know about it?"

"i was the one that said you should we apart of this and chose you to be my love interest, idiot"

"really?" "mhm, i chose you to be apart of this. so did you accept?" "of course i did, as soon as they sis dim playing your love interest" "cool, cool. i can send you the script?" "are you gonna keep your mask on for this?"

"no, i can't. it's a very.. intimate series. which is why i chose you, the mask would just get in the way, they should they could if i wanted to but.. i decided not to, i think i've had to on for long enough, it's time for it to come off"

"really? okay, okay. send me the script and i'll read it later" "you do know you should read it like now, right?" "what? why?"

"you dont know you're the last role? we know whose gonna play all the other roles, you were the last.. and we're shooting the trailer at like 10pm?" "we what?! its like- 6am! we only have 16ish hours to like- mentally prepare??"

You laughed softly, "you'll be fine, i'll be right there with you." "can we review together, at least? maybe practice a scene or two, like the hard ones"

"mhm, come over and i'll help you get into character and stuff" "already on it, i'll see you in a bit, baby."


"so.. this scene. is like, the intimate one, right?" "well, one of the intimate scenes, yes. but this is nothing, it's just a steamy kiss, it gets worse" "there's more?!" "mhm, this is just the beginning, you do know.. we play friends with benefits at first, right?"

"we do?" "mhm, you're the bully, you're bullying me, you kiss me and basically play me, throw me around but i still fall for you, until we like really have sex with for the first time, we talk more and then you fall for me"

"what the fuck does really have sex even mean?" "like.. not a quickie, genuine, intense, sexual, sex." "WERE DOING THAT ON CAMERA!?" "no! calm down! it's not like we're actually gonna have sex, it's like- the magic of film making!"

"oh my god" "don't be nervous, it's okay." "it's not okay! i'm stressing because of a kiss and you told me we're gonna have a sex scene?!" "a sex scene? pft. there's gonna be plenty more where that came from"

"sorry?" rosé looked a little worried as you placed your hand on her cheek, "you're okay, i'll be right there, and i'll be honest with you, i think you'll love it once you get used to it"

She blushed before rolling her eyes jokingly with a small smile. "are you saying i'm horny?" "mhm" she gasped in fake offence.

"well, im here for comfort not to be teased!" "okay, okay. now, just trust me, okay? it's with me so if it gets too much, we can take a breath and i'll show you how to be less awkward" she nodded. "okay"

"plus, i know you would get jealous trying to watch the show if you weren't the one with me, so.." "i'm not that jealous!" "are you sure? because i think i remember-" "shh.. you remember nothing, your memory is cleared."

You laughed softly, "but as i was saying.. the plot of the movie, is that i was just playing, pretending to be nice, since i'm like those nerds while you're the hot popular kids that can like fight and stuff, but i'm apart of a mafia, like, family."

"where does it say that?!" "baby reach the last page, it explains mine and your roles" "oh" "as well as the plot of our characters" "im a bottom?" she frowned. "no, we're switches" "ah, okay" "ha, worried you would be a bottom?"

"mhm, but yeah, then what happens?" "you'll like totally lose it, we'll go through like a crisis, arguing all the time, near breaking up, until my mafia goes after you, and i do some crazy romantic type of shit and you fall for me again"

"woah" "mhm, oh! i forgot apart and before all the mafia stuff, i explode about how you treat me like trash and all of that"

"so we argue a lot" "yes, we do" "i don't like that, i don't like arguing with you" "it's pretend, baby."

"i still don't like it." "would you prefer for me to do this with someone else?" "hell no! you're not doing this with anymore else, as much as i find this hard and confusing.. i don't want you doing this with anyone else."

You smirked as she realized what you've done. "i'm not jealous" she mumbled, "really? because by your tone, and the way you really did imagine me doing these scene with someone else and then panicking about it?"

"uh, not jealous" "mhmm"


"this is what we're shooting? a like 3 second sex scene, 3 of the 5 second make out scenes, and like a few bullying scenes and scenes alone to introduce our characters?" "exactly, rosie. most trailers start off like that"


"kiss me." Rosé smirked before pinning you against the wall and connecting your lips, into a steamy and passionate kiss. "perfect, now just time for the close up shots, so just do it again but you don't have to say anything"

And it repeated, you guys kissed again. "woah, i can really feel like you're in love with how steamy the kiss is, well done girls" you laughed softly as she shrugged. "i wonder why"


"well that was exhausting." "tell me about it." "you never told me that's how hard shooting a movie was" "imagine doing a music video but way more moving and for a few weeks, possibly months or even a year"

"jesus." "at least we don't have to sing" "well that would be a nightmare for you" she joked as you gasped jokingly, "excuse you?" "kidding, baby. kidding." "are you sure about that?" "mhm, you sing well" "woah, did the rosé from blackpink just say i sing well?"

"well if you mean, the rosie you fell in love with and is now your girlfriend said you were good at singing? yes." She smiled. You couldn't help the smile that made its way onto your face at the sight of your girl all smiley.

"stay with me?" Rosé questioned as you hummed, "do you want me to?" "mhm" "okay, give me a sec" you muttered, getting out of the car before opening her car door as rosé went to open the front door, leaving you to lock the car door before running after her.


You chuckled softly, watching your girl scoop up the precious dog into her arms and holding him. You closed and locked the door before taking your shoes off, walking up the stairs and into rosé's room.

You went into the washroom and brushing your teeth, washing your face and exiting the washroom.

You laid down on the bed with a soft sigh. "tired, baby?" "very" you mumbled. You felt rosé unzip your zip up hoodie and pulled you up, tugging at the collar of your shirt. "are you undressing me right now?"

You joked. "oh shush, i'm changing you into comfy clothes so you can sleep" You planned not to change since your clothes were already comfy, but your girlfriend had different plans, not wanting you to sleep in the clothes you had on earlier this morning.

She slipped one of her t-shirts on you before pulling your sweats down and putting a pair of her shorts on you, kissing the top of your head. "sleep well, my love."

"hurry" you mumbled, rubbing your eyes before you pulled the blanket up, laying back down.

It only took a few minutes, maybe about 10-15 before you felt rosé wrap her arms around your waist, spooning you. "goodnight, baby" "night rosie" you whispered, falling asleep as she kissed your shoulder blade.

"i love you so much."

Not expecting anything in return, just wanting to say that, knowing you were fast asleep.

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