stop it

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Third Person Pov:

- 3 months after

Blackpink was preparing for their comeback, so rosé was quick to get stuck in practice, her mind got lost in it as she started even trying to remember the choreography in the bed, moving her arms slightly.

"rosie" "hm?" "what're you doing?" "practicing?" "in bed?" "yeah, this arm movement is like.. throwing me off" You grabbed both of her arms, pinning them to her sides as you climbed into her embrace.

"yah hey.. i was practicing" "well too bad, this is a bed, for sleeping. And this is your girlfriend who's also gonna be sleeping" she laughed at your words before wrapping her arms around you. "okay, fine, i'll do it tomorrow when you're not here then"

"who said i'm not gonna be here tomorrow?" you joked as rosé joked back, "i'll tape the door shut" you chuckled before snuggling into her more, placing your face in the crook of her neck. "i'm cold"

you mumbled she hummed, pulling the blanket over you and holding you close to her. "there, better?" "thank you" "mhmm" Rosé hummed as you stayed in her arms for a bit, "you awake?" "yeah? what's up?"

"i have to leave at 4am" "what? why aren't you sleeping then?! rosie!" "honey, it's 2 in the morning. what's the point of sleeping?" "it's not 2 yet, it's only like 1, 2-3 hours could help a lot" "no, i wanna stay awake"

"don't be stubborn, rosie" "let me stay awake, it's fine" you shook your head. "that's unhealthy, you're probably gonna be filming until past midnight, maybe even 1 in the morning. You'll get home at about 2am. You need to sleep"

"i'll sleep tomorrow" "rosie" "there's no point, it's only 2 hours" " maybe 3 if you sleep now, and 3 hours can help a lot, i shoot stuff too, it's not like i don't know this. 3 hours helps, even 30 minutes helps! go to sleep" She slipped out of the bed.

You grabbed her wrist, stopping her from leaving. "i'm not sleeping" "you're like a kid, come back here. you should sleep, i'm worried for you, rosie. you've barely been sleeping." "i don't need it" "yes you do"

"let me be, y/n!" Rosé finally raised her voice making you both freeze, "rosie-" "i'm sorry" she mumbled, walking out of the room making you both groan. She closed the door behind her, letting out a huff.

Sitting on the couch, turning the tv on as she tried to focus but her mind kept on drifting to you, she didn't mean to raise her voice. You on the other hand, were worried that you suffocated her.

Anger comes from suffocation. So the thought of suffocating her made you sigh. You didn't want to stress her out, you only wanted her to get some sleep for her very busy schedule. Filming started at 5:30 so she had at leave by 4.

You didn't know if you should go out there and talk to her or not. Not wanting to pressure her more, you stayed in the room. Biting your bottom lip, playing with your fingers as rosé opened the door.

"hey.." she mumbled as you raised your head to look at her, "you're not mad at me, right?" she asked as you shook your head. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to raise my voice" "i'm sorry too, i didn't mean to suffocate you"

She shook her head, sitting down on the bed, taking your hand in hers. "you didn't suffocate me, baby. you wanted me to sleep so i wouldn't get too tired but i wanted to stay up and play on my phone, it wasn't worth raising my voice over. That was stupid of me"

You hummed, "i wont argue with you there, but i shouldn't have forced you. i'm sorry" she nodded, "it's okay" "i'll try not to do it again.." rosé's eyes widened as she shook her head. "no! i like it when you care for me"

"okay, i wont like stop but i wont force you" she nodded, "well i'm glad we sorted that out, because now that i think about it.. i could use a little nap" rosé muttered, a small yawn leaving her lips making her look kind of like a lost baby.

You chuckled. "told you so" she hummed, crawling into your arms, pulling the blanket up as she fell asleep in your embrace. "sweet dreams, rosie" "mm.."


The alarm rang as rosé groaned, moving her arms around, trying to find her phone as you chuckled, grabbing it and turning off the alarm. "rosie" "10 more minutes.." "no, you need to get up, babe." "5 more minutes?" "rosie" you whined as she hid her face in your chest.

"baby" you said, talking her side as she shook her head. "i told you to sleep earlier" "y/n?" "mhm?" "i love you but please shut up, i'm sleeping" "no" you said, before rolling your eyes at her, since she wouldn't get up.

You kissed her forehead, flipping rosé onto her back as you hovered over her, kissing her cheek, lips, nose and forehead, over and over before kissing the corner of her lips, she tried to hold back her smile but failed.

"fine, i'm up" You chuckled as she rubbed her eyes, "i'm so glad this is the last day of shooting" "wrong, it's the second day" "oh my fucking god. i forgot, we have three days- i just wanna sleep in with my girlfriend!"

She groaned grabbing a pillow and screaming into it making you laugh, "you're such a child, rosie" She pointed, getting up, showering, it only took like 10 minutes, as she did her skin care and changed into an outfit, you dried her hair.

"i'm so thankful you're here to do this" "yeah, yeah" you mumbled, she laughed a bit. "thanks baby, i'll see you in a bit" "also known as past midnight" you muttered as she sighed, "i wish it was sooner, but you and i both know it can't be any sooner."

"it's fine, i have shooting too, but it's a little later" "it's at like noon until midnight right?" "mhm" "12 hours.. good luck babe" "pft. you're worrying about 12 hours, good luck with 20 hours, honey" she rolled her eyes.

"i have a love hate relationship with this job i swear." You laughed as she kissed your lips and left. Smiling as she drove to the set.

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