week summary

235 7 2

Third Person Pov:

You woke up with slight confusion before feeling content in rosé's arms. "hmm.. are you awake?" "i am, i just woke" "me too" she mumbled into your shoulder before kissing your skin softly.

"do you wanna get up yet?" "no, do you?" "no way, let's enjoy our time in bed" you hummed a bit, "im so down" "but i'm kind of hungry" "dummy" you chuckled as you turned to her, burying your face in her chest.

Rosé's arm still wrapped around you, "get something to eat then" "can't do that when you're all snuggled into me" "oh yeah? why don't you just pull away then?" "because then you'll sulk, and you're to cute to be mad at me"

You smiled a bit, "let's stay for 15 more minutes but then let's get breakfast, okay?" "okay" you agreed as you two stayed in slice for a few minutes as she pecked your forehead. "this is comfy" "and warm"

She hummed in agreement, "okay! breakfast time!" "okay, okay okay" you laughed out, "i got it, let's go" she pulled you out of bed and shoved you into the washroom. "see you! and hurry!" "yes ma'am"


"we didn't sleep at all" "it was your idea, you wanted to game" "i didn't think it would take that long.. no point in going to sleep now, wanna eat?" "it's 7 in the morning" "cook something, you can cook" "rosie"

You whined as she bit her bottom lip, holding back a smile. "please?" "fine" "eggs bacon and toast?" "okay, bring it out, i'll make it" "yayyy" she muttered before running out to get the ingredients.


"did we just sleep from noon to 8pm?" "yup, you mean you, rosie. I slept from noon to 6pm" "same thing!" "is not!" "is too! whatever! let's get dinner" "we're not gonna be able to fall asleep" "well.. let's just not fall back asleep for like 28 hours"


"swim swim" rosé muttered as you chuckled, before letting your body sit in the water but leaving your head out as rosé did the same, "no water fights, okay?" "no water fights" you repeated as she smiled.


"you're beautiful, so beautiful." rosé mumbled before connecting your lips again, slipping her tongue in as you groaned a bit, before slightly moaning out her name, it came out as both a whine and a moan. "that was hot, say it again."


"do you really have to leave? i don't want you to go" she whined as she kept your arm close to her body, "rosie, i'll be late" "i don't want you to go" "i have to and you know that, i'll text to update you and call you everyday, okay?"

"okay.." "bye rosie, take care." "bye y/n, see you in a bit. Take care of yourself and be safe" "i will" "you have to eat well, okay?" "okay" "promise?" "i promise" "good, now go before i pull you back again"

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