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Athenas POV:

"Eris, leave!" I yelled. "I don't think I will," Eris said. "Eris!" My father yelled behind me. "No father! You don't get to even speak my name after you disowned me," she yelled. Her eyes met mine. "Do you think your special Athena? Your not. You had a blueprint when you were created," she said.

My eyes started to water and I looked over at Colby. "Athena!" He yelled. He tried to run towards me but Eris used her magic to freeze him in place. "No pretty boy. You get to stay there and watch," Eris said. "Eris. Stop. Your mad at our family! Not my friends," I said.

"Eris! You are not welcome here," Christ yelled. "Because of your silly rules! I don't listen to you," she argued. I looked over at sam who was holding Kat. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn't let her hurt them. Not now, not ever.

"We don't have to do this. Especially not here," I said. Eris looked down at me with her sickening smile. "Your right sissy. We should do this somewhere else," she whispered to me. I looked over at Colby with a sad smile. "No Athena!" He yelled.

She grabbed the side of my arms. "To easy," she whispered. I locked my eyes on her not even realizing the scenery change. We were at the edge of town. Where Christ took me when I was 3.

I shoved Eris pushing her hands off of me. She stumbled back a few feet and I walked away from the ledge she took me too. "Didn't think you'd fight back. Maybe you just didn't want that human to see this side of you," she laughed.

I looked around to see it was just us. I took a few deep breaths and finally met my sisters eyes. "You are powerless against me little sister," she said. "No I'm not. Your just a currupt bitch," I said stepping closer.

"What are you going to do? Banish me again? You see how that worked for everyone right," she argued. I thought to myself. She was right, I didn't know what all powers I still had. She was more powerful than me because she still had her wings.

"It's not my fault you decided to be evil. You fed me a poisoned apple when I was 2," I yelled. "It's not my fault you were created Athena!" She yelled back. I took a step back and realized this was everyone's plan all along. To use me against my sister, that was the reason I was here.

"It was your fault. If you would've just been a average goddess and not of used your powers for chaos I wouldn't be here," I said. "Chaos is who I am Athena! I'm Eris Discord Zenida bitch," she yelled. "You don't have to live up to your name! Eris you don't live by your name," I argued.

"You sure won't," she said in a calm voice. I looked at her confused not sure what she meant. She started walking towards me and I backed up. I kept backing up forgetting about the ledge till my foot started to slip off.

"Fuck you bitch," I said. I grabbed ahold of her large black wings and ripped them from her back. She started screaming from the pain and I assume anger. She lunged towards me but I wrapped her into a hug. I closed my eyes as I felt both my feet fall from the ledge.

I still had my sister in my arms. So if we died, we die together. We might have never been truly family but she was the only person who could ever understand me and how I feel. I heard her tears as she knew it was all about to end. "I love you," I whispered.

I felt the air swarm around us as we fell. I cried knowing I'd never see my friends again. Yet I got to spend my last moment with my sister. Even if she hated me I could never hate her. She was my family and I was ok with that.

She was me if I took a different path. I was her on the right path. I burried my head into the crook of her neck when I heard her scream louder. I knew we were close to hitting the ground somewhere. Wherever the edge leads.

Nobody truly knew. When Christ would send someone on a mission he would make a portal around them as he threw them off the edge so they would safely arrive at their destination. I knew my sister and I wouldnt arrive safely. As soon as we hit the ground I'd die. She would most likely as well.

"I'm sorry baby sister," she mumbled. "It's ok. I still love you," I said. She hugged me back and the hug grew tighter. Neither of us were ready to die but we knew we were. I took a deep breath. Then it all went dark.

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