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Athena's POV:

"I grant you the permission to live on earth as long as you keep up with missions, as long as you come back to Olympus or heaven when you are called," Christ said looking down at me. "I Athena Hero Zenida, accept this grant along with its orders and demands. That I shall come back when called whether it be to heaven or Olympus," I said.

"I forbid it!" Zeus yelled behind me. Storm clouds filled the temple leaving everyone around in fear. "Daddy! Please," I cried turning around. "No Athena! I have been told I will be able to make up for all the birthdays and holidays I have missed for this mission. I'm not giving that up," he yelled. Soon it started storming and thunder echoed through the building.

"Daddy. Stop. We will find a way for us to see each other, but for now you need to let me go back. To go home," I said walking up him. "I love you but I also love them," I cried. Lightening struck down in the gap between Zeus and I. I shielded my eyes again not prepared for the bright light. I opened them to be on the plane.

I looked around to see a flight attendant trying to wake me up. "Ma'am you need to get off the plane," she said. "Oh sorry. Deep slumber," I mumbled. I grabbed my purse and exited the plane. I made my way to the baggage then on my way to Freyas house.


"Athena!" She yelled running over to me. "Hi Freya, ready to get your house back?" I laughed. "Of course. Please get the thing out of there," she said. "Ok can you stay here and watch my luggage. Hopefully it'll be quick," I said. "Be careful, please," she asked.

I nodded and walked in her house as she stood in her driveway by her car. I took a deep breath and shut the door. I knew who I was now. I knew what was I capable of.

I walked around the house and called out for the thing. "Thing! Get out here! Show your face," I yelled. I walked into the kitchen to see it sitting on a chair. "Well well well, Athena remembers," she smiled. "Eris," I mumbled.

"Hi lil sis," she said. She gave me a sly grin standing up holding an apple. "I should've known it was you," I said. Eris always had a dark demeanour. She was the goddess of strife and discord. My fathers least favorite child out of his many.

She was older than me but when she was disowned my father called me his oldest. "Well you couldn't have known baby sister. You couldn't even remember your own life," she snarked. "Eris we won't have to battle if you will just leave," I said. "Now don't go get all protective of that mortal out there," she said.

"That mortal is my friend. Eris you will not hurt her," I remarked. "And what will you being doing to stop that. From what I've heard around the Apple tree your angel wings got ripped out of your back when you were only 8," Eris said walking towards me.

My eyes widened as she expanded her black wings. "Even if your disowned and get sent down to the underworld you still get wings when you arrive on earth," she said. "Eris! Leave." I demanded. "Wow, didn't know you still had certain quirks when your wings get ripped out. So you keep the glowly eyes..what else," she remarked.

"Eris. Just go, I know you love war. I do to, but I was only created to be the opposite of you," I said through my gritted teeth. "That's why we're so much a like little sister. We were both unwanted at some point you just slowly became the favorite," she said giving me a disgusted stare.

"Eris!" My voice boomed. Her eyes turned to black still locked on me. "Does fighting someone so much like you also give you a since of joy knowing they love the game as well," she smiled. "It doesn't give me joy," I said sternly.

"But victory does," she said leaning into my face. "Heros ego Athena Iovem deleo Discordiam Iovem Eris ad Orcum. ritam privilegii sui gressum in terra sine fine passionis," I spoke. "Oh your going to banish me Athena? He will just remove your banishment. Then I'm coming back for you and everybody you love," she spat.

"I wish you were different," I said. I closed my eyes and grabbed her wrist. She screeched in pain at the feeling of my hand burning into her arm. I kept my eyes closed. I didn't know Eris for long. She was disowned a few weeks before I was sent down to earth, but she was family.

I put my arm back down to my side when there was nothing left to grab. I opened my eyes to my sister no longer there. A bonus of becoming an angel of Olympus was the powers you gained. My father used to read to me about it.

A tear strolled down my face as I looked at the spot my sister once stood. I went into my friends bathroom and looked at myself. My eyes we're back to to their dull brown. My nose had a black blood like substance slowly dripping.

I wiped away the blood with a deep breath. I walked out of the bathroom and towards her door. I walked out and towards Freya. "What happened! Are you ok," she questioned running towards me.

"Freya, I'm fine. You should be good. Nothing should be bothering you," I spoke. "Well you want me to drive you back to LA? We can have a little road trip," Freya said excited. "Yeah let me call my LA friends. I'll tell them to cancel their ticket," I said. I gave her a small smile.

I called Colby and he immediately answered.


"Colby. It is like 6:00am why are you awake?"

"I couldn't sleep with out knowing you were ok."

"Well I'm fine charming. Cancel your flight my friend Freya is going to take me back."

"Ok that's fine. Tell me what happened when you get back though."

"Oh trust me. There's a lot to tell you.."

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