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Athena's POV:

"What the fuck is happening!" I yelled. "I... I don't know.." Sam mumbled. Corey was still outside Jake followed him. It was just Colby, Sam, and I. "Athena.. Whats happening to you.." Colby said looking at me.

I jumped up when I realized the bruise was spreading like a rash. Soon enough almost every bone on my body was sketched out on my skin with bruises.


"What the hell!" I cried. I pulled up my PJ pants to reveal my skeleton like bruise on my legs too. "Is my back covered too?" I asked turning around. Sam being Sam he was still recording. "Colby are those-" Sam muttered. "Is that supposed to be-" Colby said. "What! What is it guys!" My voice broke as I yelled.

"It looks like angel wings sketched on your back.." They said in unison. "Looks like what!" I yelled turning around.


I felt my body start fighting whatever was taking over. I started hyperventilating, I couldn't breathe, it was like 2 lives were fighting for control of my being. Colby ran over and put his arms on my shoulder. "Thea please breath," Colby pleaded.

My eyes flickered shut and back open as the ouiji board moved to goodbye. "Sam her eyes! Their white!" Colby screamed. "Thea! Unroll your eyes," Sam screamed. "Their.. Their not rolle-" my voice was soft but I got cut off by the room turning black and I fell over.


Colby's POV:

"Thea! Thea wake up!" I screamed. Sam helped me move Thea to the bed and layed her down. "Thea. Wake up please," Sam cried. "Guys get in here!" I yelled to them.

Corey and Jake ran into the room to see Athena asleep on the bed. I stood next to her shaking her to wake her up. Sam stood next to me crying.

"What happened!" Jake yelled. His voice was serious. I have never seen Jake like this before. "She just.. Her back is.." Sam muttered. "Spill it," Corey said. I ignored their conversation and kept trying to wake her up.

Sam's words couldn't escape his mouth. I just stared at Thea. Her eyes opened and she turned her head to look at me. "im not pythonissam," she said in a dark tainted voice. "What the fuck!" We all said jumping back. "hoc est Pugnator," she yelled in the demonic tone.

The tv started turning to static. The lights flickered in the room and the tempature dropped low. Corey and Jake ran into the bathroom locking the door. "Your on your own!" Corey yelled from the bathroom. Sam and I ran over to the wall across from the bed.

Athena started levitating above the bed sitting up to look at us. "quid impar angelus," the demonic tone continued. "You are not welcome here!" Sam yelled. I felt paralyzed like i couldn't speak or move. Athena has always been strong but I didn't know if she was strong enough to get through this.

"Nemo recumbit puer dei tuus non valens," it continued. The bruises on her body slowly faded until they were gone. Sam had already set up the camera when we went to lay Athena on the bed.

"Athena! Athena please come back to us! Abu would go crazy without you," I cried out. "damnasti puerum. DEMITTO," she yelled. Athena's body slammed back down on the bed. I tried to run over to her but Sam grabbed my arm. "Brother I love her to but you should stay here," he slightly whispered.

I pulled my arm back to my body and looked back at Athena. She was having a seizure. "Athena!" I screamed. I ran back over and just looked at her not knowing what to do. It felt like I was standing there for an hour but I knew it was only a few minutes.

Her body stopped. It went motionless. Her eyes closed again and her breathing slowed. "Athena please. Don't give up," I cried. I grabbed her hand and gave her a small squeeze letting her know I was here. I was here to protect her, I was going to keep my promise and I wouldn't break it. Never.

Blood starting leaking from her nose again. "Sam! Get me a tissue," I yelled. Sam obeyed and brought me back over a tissue. I grabbed it from his hand and started wiping the blood off her face. It was thick, I couldn't tell if it was black from so much blood or something else..

"Sam could you take the guys outside for a minute," I mumbled. "Yeah whatever you need dude," Sam said. "Guys come on. We're going to sit outside." Sam knocked on the bathroom door. "Is the bitch done freaking out," Jake yelled. "Dude. Come on. She's done let's just go outside," Sam said softly.

Corey and Jake walked out and practically ran past the bed and out the door. Sam slowly followed giving me a quick glance. He shut the door behind him and I squeezed Athena's hand again.

"You know I should've never rejected you. Honestly I had the biggest crush on you Athena. Your so strong a beautiful. I used to tell Sam your like an angel on earth. Ever since we moved to LA I've wanted to call you. I've wanted to talk to you but I was scared you wouldn't want to hear from me. Every girl I've been with I was looking for someone like you but your different. That sounds so cheesy," I cried but I kept a smile on my face.

Athena's hand squeezed mine. Letting me know that she was here too. Letting me know she wasn't giving up she was still fighting.

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