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Athena's POV:

We got back to the motel and brought our bags inside and placed them on the bed. We got back around 1. Everyone helped with building the fort. It practically covered the entire front of the room. It started at the wall across the bed and ended at the end of bed. The mini fridge and microwave were in the fort so we could get snacks easier.

The floor of the fort was covered in the rest of the blankets after everyone chose one to sleep with. Jake and I decided everyone can be in the fort as long as they followed our rules. We handed everyone a pillow as well. Sam and Corey put the snacks in or by the fridge. Colby, Jake, and I all filled out the note cards for the different games and put them in their designated hats.

By the time we were done setting up and took a small break it was 4:45. "How about someone goes and gets dinner then we can start playing games," I said. "I'll drive again if someone wants to come with me," Sam said. "I'll go!" Jake and Corey said in unison. "Ok good cause one of you have to pay," Sam said. Everyone crouched and got out of the fort to leave the room leaving Colby and I alone.

We layed in middle of the fort just looking up at the blankets above us. "Hey Thea," he mumbled. "Hey colby," I said back. Colby sat up so I followed his lead. I could see the seriousness on his face. We sat across from each other and just looked at one another. "You ok?" I asked. "Do you remember anything from when you got possessed," he mumbled.

I took a deep breath knowing exactly what he was talking about. I didn't know if I should tell him or not I knew what he said to me. Did he regret saying that? Did he regret saying his mind to me?

"Do you want me to remember," I mumbled back. "I'm not sure," he said. Should I lie? Should I say I don't remember? I didn't know what to say. I kept balancing the two choices in my head.

"Well.. I mean.. I just.. If you don't want me to remember.. Do you.. I just.." I kept slipping over my words not knowing what to say. What should I say? My eyes fell from his and I looked at my fingers that were picking at each other.

Colby grabbed my hand and I brought my eyes back to his. "Colby.." I muttered. "Every girl I have been with I was looking for someone like you but your different," he whispered. I just looked at him. I knew what I wanted but I didn't know if he wanted the same thing.

I decided I was going to be bold again and if he rejected me he was the asshole for leading me on. I interlocked our fingers and rose to my knees. I brought myself forward and I straddle his lap. Our eyes never left one another's. I broke the lock our fingers made and brought my hands behind his neck.

I leaned forward and kissed him. Our lips replaced the lock our fingers once made. It felt right to be with Colby. Like it was written in the stars. We were stuck like that for a minute until his phone started ringing. He sighed and broke the connection to look at his phone. I layed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

It felt so right to be with him. Like it was the correct thing to do. I've always wanted to this. Yet I was always so scared that it would ruin everything, but how could something that feels like this ruin anything for me.

"Their on the way back with food but Jake wants to go some sort of hibachi restaurant tomorrow night," Colby said wrapping his arms around my back. "Why the hell does he want to go to a hibachi restaurant," I said back giggling a little. "He wants to see the cook play with fire," he said joining my laughter.

We laughed and held onto each other for a few more minutes. I took in his scent it felt like home. "I wa-" I said but was cut off by the door opening. "We're back," Sam said. I scrambled off Colby's lap just before Jake opened the covers to join in the fort.

"Did you guys watch porn or something," Jake said. "What!" I yelled. Colby just started bursting out in laughter. "Newbie your face is bright red," Corey said walking in with Sam.

Colby's laughter got harder looking at me. Everyone else started giggling too. I brought my knees to my chest hiding my face. I giggled a little too because it honestly was funny. I didn't expect my face to be red enough for people to notice.

"So why are you blushing," Sam asked. "Yeah Thea, why are you blushing," Colby said in a snarky tone. "Oh shut up dickface," I responded smacking Colby in the arm. "Ow my ego," he laughed.

I rolled my eyes and changed the subject. "What'd you guys get for dinner," I asked. "Taco bell," Sam said putting the bags in the middle along with slushies. "I got you the blue raspberry one becausey Colby remembered you didn't like Baja blast," Sam said handing me the small cup.

"Thank you Abu. Hand me the vodka," I said pointing to the bottles next to the fridge. Sam grabbed the bottle and handed it to me. I took a sip of my slushies then I took off the lid. I poured in a little and mixed it with the blue frozen drink.

"Damn already," Colby said. "Yeah I wanna get this shit started," I said laughing. "Ok ok what game is first," Sam asked. "Paranoia," Colby and I said at the same time. "Ok paranoia," Sam said laughing.

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