Her Sweet Soul

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a place of refuge or safety.


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Third Persons POV



"Mama!!! I'm home!!! " a loud shout of a 13 year old kid was heard around the house.. He just came from school and immediately rush his way home because today is a very important day..
"Finally! What took you so long? " Lisa glared at him and then he just chuckled.. Lisa is standing at the kitchen counter cooking something that smelled so delicious, her son couldn't help but to sniff it as he made her way towards her..
"Is that kimchi stew?! " the young man asked and Lisa nodded with a smile.. His son started running towards her for its his favorite food..
"Wah! It looked so delicious and I haven't even tasted it, you really are a good cook Mama" his son gave him a thumbs up.. Lisa could only chuckle..
"Well, someone taught me. She's the best" Lisa said dreamily..
"Can I have some? " his son asked taking advantage of her when she's busy remembering someone.
"No! No! Young man go to your room and change.. Your mom is waiting for us! " Lisa scolded him and her son could only groan..
He run upstairs to change his clothes and took the flowers that he bought earlier at the flower shop..
"Are you going to give it to your mom?" Lisa asked with a proud smile.. Her son is really sweet..
"I will.. She loves flowers. " he simply replied..
"Alright alright.. It's done.. Help me with this so we can go your mom might be upset if we're late again" Lisa said and her son only laughed at her.. It's always Lisa's fault when they're late.. It's because she moves too slow..
Lisa and her son put the kimchi stew on a lid and then they sealed it. They put the other food on a huge container and then the drinks on a cooler..
They are planning to have a nice family picnic..
"You didn't forget anything? " she asked her son.. He shook his head and that's when they took off..
"Mama, aunt Jisoo just texted. They want us to stop by at their house" Her son informed him and Lisa nodded her head.. She changed the location on her GPS and drive a little slower..
She's use to driving so fast but ever since that she got her son, she learned to adjust and drive slower.. She did a lot of things for him.. She changed herself into a version that she didn't know she can be..
It was all worth it because having her son is the only thing that she could wish for now.. She's contented and happy.. She got nothing else to wish although at the back of her head, she wishes for something that is impossible..
"Mama.. I think I'm starting to like a girl" his son confessed that made Lisa step on the break immediately... Her brow is raised and her son looked so nervous..
"Excuse me sir but you're just 13 years old! " Lisa pinned out.. This is what she's always afraid of..
When her son learned how to walk she knew that he will soon leave her side to marry a certain girl.. It's all happening now.. She figured his son is growing up and it upsets her..
"I know! I did not say that we're dating. I just said that I'm starting to like her" her son defended.. Lisa just rolled her eyes before starting the engine again..
"Well you better tell your mom about that. If she was here, she would've freaked out" Lisa said before she smiled a little..
She remember how she liked someone before too.. A little crush until it turned into something that she can't live without..
"Nini..Why do you still like me even if they kept telling you that I'm a mess? Weren't you afraid of me before? I literally throwed foods at your face" Lisa said as she played with Jennie's fingers..
The two of them were laying down on the couch with Lisa being the big spoon.. It bothers her because everyone kept talking shits behind her back.. She doesn't normally react to it but she's afraid that it might affect Jennie.. She likes Jennie so much.. She doesn't want to lose her at all..
"Why? Do you want me to stop liking you because of that? " Jennie stood up to face Lisa.. Lisa shook her head immediately and stood up as well.. She pouted..
Lisa is being childish again which made Jennie figured that Lisa is really bothered about the others opinion..
"Of course not.. I just want to know why you stayed with me when I tried my best to push you away" Lisa said nonchalantly..
She was cold as ice as a person.. She's rude. She doesn't have any good attitude at her body.. She always argues with Jennie.. She somehow took advantage of her by making her cook but Jennie still fall for her.. How could that be?
For Lisa, it seemed so impossible.. She doesn't even like herself, how can Jennie like her like this?
"I like you in the way I know. I can write stories, poems and letters until I run out of it just to let you know.

Her Sweet Soul - ( JenLisa ) Where stories live. Discover now