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feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.

fiercely protective or vigilant of one's rights or possessions.


Lisa Manoban

"Let me at least carry those books.. " I whined as Jennie looked at me in disbelief..
"Why are you so childish today Lisa? I wonder what would the students in our school think about this side of yours" She replied while chuckling but I just pouted at her while glaring downwards..
It's friday.. Last day of school for this week and we are on our way to school right now.. Jennie is currently carrying tons of books which I don't know why since I don't carry that much book around.. Anyways, I can't just let her carry all of those with me carrying nothing but this thing between my legs.. I will surely look bad if anyone sees us right now..
"They won't know because you're the only person who can make me act like this.. I did not even know that I have this attitude.. You must be cursed or something" I rolled my eyes at her and that's when I snatched some of her books from her hands before running away with it.. She don't want me to help so I guess I'll have to help her on my own..
"Yah! Lisa! " she glared at me and I just looked back while laughing so hard.. Her face is so red indicating that she's very angry.. Her cheeks are puffing and she looked so furious..
She looked so beautiful running towards me as if she was in a slow motion commercial on my TV and I was that one customer who's getting interested and seduced.. Damn, I think I'm so lucky to be able to befriend her..

"Catch me if you can! " I shouted before running away. But not too fast though.. I can't just outrun and leave her alone.. I don't know what will happen but this girl is very accidental prone.. A car might hit her because she's so stupid at times..
"I'm going to ki--" she was chasing me with her angry expression until she bumped her head onto someone I really hate so much..
"Hey Jen.. Easy.. What are you doing? " Kai put his hands on both sides of Jennie's shoulder as if he's checking if she's fine.. Jennie just nodded her head while looking down.. Why is she acting so shy? I hate it!
"I uhm--" she looked so I don't know... Uncomfortable? Intimidated? Or disgusted. Anyways, she doesn't look like she's okay so I approached them..
"She was chasing me. We were playing around" I said as I grab his wrist and immediately put it away from Jennie.. I stood in front of her to block his way, acting like a shield since I know that Kai is no good for her at all..
"Why would you let her chase you.. She gets tired easily Lisa.. She might have her asthma episodes if you keep doing that" He said acting so lovely dovey concerned to my FRIEND Jennie.. He should mind his own business..
"Why would you even car--" I was so pissed at him that I could've punched him right at his face if only Jennie did not grab my arms to stop me..
"Lisa.. Everyone is watching" I heard her whispered and I had to close my eyes just so I could calm myself down.. I know everyone is watching and that's how I've always wanted it to be but this time.. I'm embarrassed.
I don't want Jennie to see me punching some bastards around.. She would find me weird and worst.. Scary.. I don't want that so even though I'm so pissed at Kai's face right now.. I did not punch him and just chose to stay calm and presentable.
"Let's just go Jennie... Our class will be starting soon.. " I grab Jennie's hands and intertwined it with mine..
"We'll get going now Kai" Jennie said politely before bowing a little.. We walked pass him but he suddenly said something that made me feel weird..
"I'll see you tomorrow Jennie.. I'm excited for our meal! " He shouted as if he wants everyone to hear it and it made my blood boil.. A meal between Jennie and Kai.. That doesn't sound so good.. I hate it.. I hate the idea of it.. I'm starting to be angry just by thinking about the things that he might do to Jennie.. The things that's they might do together..
I grip Jennie's hands tighter and decided to make our way to the school gym instead of our classroom.. It's early so there won't be any students here and we will have the pricavy that I want..

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