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∆∆Third person POV∆∆

It has been 3 weeks. 3 weeks since anyone has seen the pair of Hart siblings.

The man cave was quiet again, the Constant sibling bickering gone.

The Hart residence was the quietest house on the block. No one even dared to move close to it.

Captain man had grown silent, only seen for the big fights, not bothering with things like the Nacho Ball stealings for the time being.

Charlotte had been glued to the screens, trying to find where the siblings could have disappeared to. Shwoz would help anytime he was in the man cave.

Jasper was quieter than ever, his lifelong friend was missing, after all.

The school had grown quiet. Everything has hush-hush around there.

Drex thought he got away. He figured that if he sent lower league villains, it wouldn't get Captain Man's attention. And he was right. Because 3 weeks ago, he sent his plan into action, and his plan was a success. Mostly. Now he just had to figure out how to get the Hart siblings to talk.

Henry was beat black and blue, cuts covering his frail form. His eyes were dark, he was constantly shivering.

Piper was beat, too. Just not as bad as Henry. She had no shine in her eyes, and she too, was constantly shivering.

The only good part about the situation? Piper and Henry were right next to eachother.

∆∆Henry's POV∆∆

"Hey Pipes, you awake?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Yeah, yeah..." She stuttered in response. "When are we gonna get out of here?"

"Soon... I hope." Fear flowed through my voice as Piper laid her head on my shoulder.

Just as she did that, banging could be heard, but from where, we didn't know.

That was the last thing I remembered before everything went dark.

∆∆Piper's POV∆∆

++How do you feel? I'm just leaving you like that, not knowing what's gonna happen to Henry. But I don't know what's going to happen to him either, so that makes it okay. I think.++

"Henry? Henry!" I screamed as I felt his body go limp from under me.

I couldn't do anything. Henry was asleep, at least I hoped he was. The banging was still there, just quieter now. All I could do was wait, and hope that Captain Man would find us soon.

--Time skip brought to you by an unknown figure. Be nice they had their heart broken recently--

I wake up to a different room. And Henry wasn't in it.

I started freaking out. I didn't know where he was.

"Piper!" I heard screaming from somewhere that didn't seem so far away.

I quickly got up, hearing my name and footsteps constantly getting louder.

I looked around the room. Nothing to help me get out of here.

Finally the footsteps stopped. I think I was more scared than relieved. Actually, everything stopped. I didn't hear anything.

Until I did.

∆∆Charlotte's POV∆∆

Taking Henry's place, I find his gum and pop one in my mouth. Almost instantly I am now wearing the costume, Ray in his next to me.

We think we found out where Piper and Henry were, but it's all just a guess and check.

"Ready Girl Danger?" Captain man asked. We decided that we would call me Girl Danger. Say that Kid Danger and I have are related and I'm filling in his place to get him back.

"Yea. Ready as I'll ever be." I reply, hitting the belt buckle.

Making our way to where we think they are being held hostage, we try to find a way in. Suddenly, there's a bunch of banging, but from where it's coming from, we don't know.

We ignore it and keep looking. Eventually, we find a way inside. Managing to get in, we split up to look around.

You won't find them. A voice said from above. I don't know where it came from.

I ignored it and kept looking.

Piper is going to freak out soon. You better get her to Henry fast. A different voice said. This one was very high pitched, and giggled after she talked.

With the information, I moved faster. Not knowing if it was a lie or not, I didn't want to take the risk.

"Piper!" I yell out, moving towards a bunch of doors.

After what feels like eternity, I make it to the door, slowly opening it.

I walk inside to see a bunch of cages of a sort.

Master is coming. I would move faster than that if you want to get out of here alive. The high pitched voice came back.

I made my way to a cage that had someone in it.

"Piper? It's me, Charlotte."

"C... Charlotte?" I heard her stutter.

"You okay?"

"Not really." She managed to say.

"I'm gonna break this down okay? Back up a bit."

Once she moved back, I kicked down the door and Piper quickly ran to me.

I wrapped my arms around her and we stood there for a minute.

"Charlotte! I found Henry!" I heard yelling from a distance.

"Ray! We have to follow each other's voices!" I yell back, and slowly start walking with Piper.

"Let's just meet at where we got in here." Captain man complained.

Eventually we found eachother and really got to see how the other hostage was.

∆∆Piper's POV∆∆

"You okay, Pipes?" Henry asked, still using Ray as his complete support, the only thing keeping him standing.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But what about you? You look way worse than earlier."

"I found him balled up in the corner of some dark room. He couldn't even stand. I'm practically carrying him right now." Ray said.

I walked over to Henry and hugged him. He attempted to hug me back, but it didn't work very well considering he could barely work his body by himself and only had one arm at that to hug me.

"How long has it been?" Henry asked.

"3 weeks, almost 4." Charlotte said.

"Let's get you two back to the man cave and then we will do proper checks on you guys." Ray said, and we all started our way back to the helicopter that Charlotte and Ray came with.

This was a lot longer than I thought it would be ngl. It's like 1000 words, and I know it may not sound like a lot, but it is for me considering that most of the time I make multiple parts and whatever. If you want an aftermath of this I'll definitely do it, just let me know.

Also in case you didn't notice, I changed my username. If you want to personally address me in comments, either use my @ or you can just put Tasha in the comment and I'll respond to it. I look at all the comments by the way I love reading them.


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