To the future?

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This idea was given by oatmeal_nuggget so thank you for the idea. I hope this works out well, you didn't exactly give me to much to work off of, so I don't really know what you had Invisioned in your mind, but I hope you like this regardless. Thank you so much for your support!

Summary: While Kid Danger(Henry) and Captain Man (Ray) are fighting the time jerker, the time machine starts up and Henry gets pushed inside. With no knowledge of what time period he is in, he has to figure out how to get back without changing the course of history.(I don't know how time travel works because everything I read says differently so in this AU any interaction with people changes the course of history)

∆∆Henry's POV∆∆

"Kid! Time Jerker is at the clocktower! Let's blow and go!" Ray yelled, pulling out his gum from his back jeans pocket.

I nodded and grabbed my gum, quickly opening the pack and tossing one in my mouth, Ray doing the same.

"Let's blow and go." I said smirking, knowing Ray liked to say the line and would be annoyed that I beat him to it.

Both of our bubbles popped, the green and blue light quickly covering our bodies and changing our outfits to our alter-egos.

Quickly, we ran to the tube, and I let Ray tell "Up the Tube!" And like that, we were up and off to the clocktower. I heard Charlotte yell what I thought was a goodbye as we went up the tubes, but if it was or not, I'm not sure.

*Time skip brought to you by Tim.*

Now at the clocktower, the very top at that.(The same room that they were in when they fought the Time Jerker in the show)

"Time Jerker!..."

"Do you have a minute to stop? We have something to do." I finished for Ray. I wasn't good at making time quips like the Time Jerker was, but I figured that was a good try.

"That was alarmingly good for a low life sidekick." Time Jerker responded.

At that, we all went into fight. I stayed back for a minute, noticing what the Time Jerker was trying to do.

I grabbed some metal 'T' from the side of the room and ran over to the Time Jerker, smacking him over the head with it.

"I think you need a time out, Time Jerker." I taunted as I hit him.

Little did I know, it was all a set up. He quickly turned around and started the time machine, pushing me through it. Ray tried to run to me and push me out of the way, or at least yell to warn me, but it was all too late.

*Time skip to the future brought by Tom, Tim's brother.*

I come out of the time machine by the Swellview sign. Honestly I'm shocked it's still here. But I don't know how long it's been.

I manage to find my way to Junk and Stuff, figuring I could find something out in the man cave.

I sneak my way into the man cave and start looking around.

My mistake.

"Who are you!?" Ray, well, Future Ray exclaimed. He just looked older.

"I'm... Um... I..."

"Sorry, Ray. This is a robot... If me?" Future Henry said.

"Oh, okay. Well, don't spend to much time on him, I want to hang out more before you leave to dystopia."

"Okay. I'll be up in a few."(okay I realize the place of this makes no sense but for the sake of things pretend the original man cave wasn't blown up and is now another hang out place that is used when Future Henry comes to Swellview)

H.D. one shots(Ongoing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ