Fighting alone

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Henry's POV:(Henry is 16)

I walked into the man cave, because I got triple beeped, so I came as fast as I could.

"Ray!?" I yelled, before I saw the note on the table.

'hey Hen. Hope you don't mind, but I'm on vacation for the next three weeks. There shouldn't be too much crime because of the crime drought. Shwoz is visiting his family and doesn't know how long he will be gone for, and Char and Jasper are on vacation with their family. If you need anything, you can triple beep me, don't worry about it if you have too.


Of course he left me alone and didn't tell me. I thought, annoyed. I probably won't have anything to do anyways because of the lack of criminals. I got a churro from the autosnacker, but right before I sat down the crime alarm went off.

"Hello, this is Kid Danger, how can I help you?" I said.

"Please help us! We're at the *insert name* arcade! The Toddler is here! Please hurry!" The voice from the other side said in a hushed but worried tone.

"Are you a hostage? And If there is more than you how many?" I asked, getting as much information as I could.

"Uhm, yeah I think. He's not letting me and 3 other people leave. I don't really know what a hostage is though."

"Be careful. I'm on my way." I said, then hung up.

"Let's blow a bubble and hit some trouble." I said, though to myself, because no one else was here, and blew a bubble.

*Time skip to after he defeated The Toddler*(I don't know how to write fight scenes and don't feel like trying rn)

"Thank you so much!" The hostages, 3 girls and a boy said as I let them out.

"Just doing my job." I said, and chuckled.

"Uhm, Kid Danger, you might wanna check the news." The boy said. I just nodded and left to go back to the man cave.

*Back in the man cave*

I decided to turn on the news, to see what that boy was talk about.

"This is Trent Overunder, and this just in, all of the villains have escaped from jail. Someone cut a hole on the wall, and all of the criminals are swarming the town. Remember if you see any, call the Captain man hotline." I shut it off after that because there was another call.

"Help please! Frankini is at Swellview park and is forcing everyone to sing! We don't know what to do! Please hurry!" Then they hung up.

I hurried to the tubes, yelled 'Up the Tubes' and ran to the park.

"Frankini! You're musical piece is over!" I yelled.

"Are you so sure about the Kid Danger?" Frankini questioned in her sing-songy voice.

The people found this as a time to escape, and all took off running. It took me 20 minutes to take care of Frankini and to have the police come and lock her up.

When I make it to the man cave, there's another call.

*Time skip a week later because the same thing pretty much happened over and over again*

Ray texted me and told me he would be here a week earlier, so next week. Still no news on anyone else though.

I've been fighting crime almost all the time for the past week. Some of these villains I didn't even know existed. I just hope they Ray comes back sooner than later because I could really use his help.

Great, another alarm, I thought as I went to answer it.

Ray's POV

I told Henry that I was going to come back a week earlier, but I'm packing my stuff up and actually leaving tomorrow. So in three days I'll be back in Swellview.

I also talked to Jasper, Charlotte, and Shwoz, and we all decided to surprise Henry and all come back at the same time.

*A week later*

Henry's POV

It's been a week, so Ray should be back any time now, but I've been saving people left and right for the past two weeks. People are running away, getting kidnapped, being robbed. About anything you could think of was happening.

I heard the elevator door open, and saw someone out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn't really pay them any attention as the crime alarm went off.

"Kid Danger, what's your emergency?" I said as I answered.

"It's Drex! He's at the Swellview sign! You have to stop him!" The boy, who sounded really young said, and the last thing I heard was a scream before the call was cut off.

I've been in my suit almost the entire time these past two weeks, changing every day but with no time in between to actually sit down in normal clothes. I ran over to the tube, saw Charlotte and Jasper, and quickly went up the Tube. I saw Ray walk out the tube right before I lost sight of the man cave.

*Again after the right because I don't know how to write those scenes*

I made it back to the man cave covered in blood, bruises, cuts, and I was panting, I was exhausted, and I barely ate anything all the two weeks.

"Turn on the news." I said as I came down from the tube. Charlotte nodded and turned it on.

"This is Trent Overunder and this Just in, Kid Danger has just defeated Drex, on his own. Captain man has been nowhere to bee seen for the past two weeks, but kid Danger seems to have it under control."

"That's right, Trent. I'm Mary Gaberman, and Kid Danger just finished putting Drex back in Jail. We hope Kid Danger in getting the rest and care he needs, that fight was brutal." Mary says, then a video of the fight plays on the screen.

"And we just got news from the police, all of the criminals are back in jail! Good job Kid Danger." Trent said, then the news ended.

"You fought every  villain on your own?" Ray asked, turning to me.

"Everyday for the past two weeks. Almost no time to do anything but." I replied.

"Go eat something. Then sleep." Ray, Charlotte, and Jasper said, all almost at the same time.

"I think you might wanna have Shwoz check me out." I said, yawning.

"Fine. After that." Charlotte said, pushing Ray to go find Shwoz.

I nodded and got my well deserved churro from the autosnacker.

Ok I have a question. I was watching Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2 this weekend pretty much on repeat, and I have an Idea of a story I can do kind of similar to the movies, but it would also be pretty different. Would anyone be interested in reading it? And if so, should I post it on this story or make a new one specifically for it because I don't know how long it would be.

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