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Henry's POV

I couldn't see anything. Rain was pouring down, and I was freezing. I was trying to find my way to Junk and Stuff, but I wasn't close. I could just tell. Rain was in my eyes, making my vision blurry, and then I tripped. That's the last thing I remember before I passed out.

I wake up, who knows how long later, in the same spot. It stopped raining, and I tried using my wizz watch to call Ray, but it was broken. I took it off, and shoved it in my pocket.

Great. I'm completely lost. I thought, not recognizing anything in the area. I decided to walk around for a bit to see if I could figure out where I am.

"Are you lost little one?" Someone asked from behind me.

"Uhm, what city is this?" I asked, looking at her. She was an old lady, with white hair.

"Swellview of course. The very boarder of it."

"Can you point me in the direction of a train station?" I asked, and she pointed. I thanked her and ran in the direction.

*Time skip a few hours later*

It's been a while, and I finally made it back to Swellview high. Charlotte's probably scared out of her mind. And Jasper. And probably everyone else in the man cave. And maybe Piper. Mom and dad probably didn't even realize I was gone though.

I walked inside school, hoping that Charlotte is still inside. After a while of searching, I finally found her. "Char!" I exclaimed, running to her.

"Henry!" Charlotte exclaimed, turning around and standing up.

I hugged her, and she hugged back, and we just stood there for a few minutes.

"Can we go to the man cave?" I asked, whispering.

"Yeah. Let's go." Charlotte said.

*In the man cave*

Ray was already in the man cave. Piper and Jasper were also there.

"Piper!" Me and Piper both exclaimed at the same time. She ran over to me and hugged me, and I did my best to hug back, but I was shivering and my teeth were chattering like crazy.

"Henry what happened to your face?" Piper asked, touching the side of my face and showing me her fingers, which had blood smeared on them.

"I... I must have fell somewhere. I'm not sure." I replied, shaking.

"Charlotte, bring him over to the couch. I've got to text Mom and let her know you're alright. She started freaking out after she noticed you Missing this morning." Piper said, then went to text Mom.

Charlotte helped me sit down next to Jasper, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. Charlotte then left, saying she was going to get me a blanket and get Shwoz to make sure I was okay.

Part 2 soon because I need some more time to finish this idea

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