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PTSD warning ig and violence. Like stabby stabby. You have been warned. Read at your own risk

Henry's POV

Kid danger, what a pleasant surprise. It's lovely to have you. Drex said sarcastically.

What do you want, Drex! I yelled out, noticing myself tied down to a table in chains.

Oh nothing much, Henry. Just some... Information.

You're not gonna get it! I yelled, before screaming out in pain.

Are you sure?

Then I woke up. I heard Piper screaming. I ran over to her room, and saw one of the people I feared the most. Drex.

"Drex!? What are you doing here!?" I yelled, figuring that if he didn't know my name yet, I could just say I saw his picture on the news, because I had.

"Well, well, well. I guess I made it to the right house. I'll let this girl live. On one condition." Drex said.

"Which is?" I said angrily. I knew I wasn't going to like the option.

"Come with me. I can't tell you where though, in case you're sister here is a blabbermouth." He said.

"Fine. I'll go. But you have to give her a hint of where you're taking me. If you do, I'll go easy." I say, knowing that he will give a hint to make sure he doesn't look suspicious.

"Okay. Fine. I'm taking you to Captain man's first ever base. Now let's go."
Piper's POV

I just watched Henry willingly leave with the most Dangerous criminal. I need to get to the man cave. Fast. (Henry is 18 Piper is 15 and knows about the man cave)

20 minutes later, I'm at the man cave.

"Jasper! Where is Charlotte and Ray?" I yell, bursting through the door.

"Downstairs, why?"

"Just come on!" I yell, running to the elevator.

I push the elevator button, and don't stop until it starts moving. Jasper's in here too, and finally it made it to the bottom. I quickly stand up and make it to the middle of the room.

"EVERYONE I NEED YOUR ATTENTION!!" I yell, hoping they all listen.

A few minutes later, they actually did come. Shwoz, Charlotte, Jasper, and Ray were all sitting on the couch.

"What is it?" They said in unison.

"Ok. Drex got out of Prison. Don't know if you knew that, but this is serious. Drex broke into my room, I screamed, Hen came running in. He saw Drex, and made a deal. Drex said that he would not hurt me if Hen came with him, but refused to tell where he was taking Henry. Henry then said that he would go willingly if drex gave a hint of where he was taking Henry." I stopped for a second to catch my breath.

"What did he say?" Charlotte asked, standing up.

"Something only Ray will know. And maybe Shwoz. He said he is taking Henry to the first ever man cave."

Then everything went black.

Charlotte POV

I managed to catch Piper, and Shwoz did a check to make sure she was okay. She was, her body just couldn't handle what was going on or something.

"Ray! You have to go save Henry. You know where it is, right?" I questioned.

"Yeah I think so." Ray said, blowing a bubble.

"Let's blow a bubble and punch the trouble." He said, then ran to the tubes. "Up the tubes!"

Henry's POV

I remember being knocked out. I got, yet again, another nightmare.

Hey Kid. Drex said, walking towards me.
What do you want Drex!? I yelled out.
Oh you know, just some fun. Drex said, smiling slyly. Then he came over to me with a knife, and stabbed me. Over and over again.

"Woah woah woah kd." Drex said, walking over to me.

I was crying, and Drex hadn't even done anything yet. Not in real life that is.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked, trying to stop crying.

"Just because I'm a villain doesn't mean I'm going to disregard your mental health." He said. "Talk to me Kd."  He said, untying the ropes that were on my arms and legs.

I felt so vulnerable, but I knew I couldn't do anything about it. So I gave in. I folded myself into his arms, and hoped he wouldn't hurt me.

I started crying and before I knew it I was telling him my life story. How my parents didn't give me attention, how my sister has to fight with me in front of my parents because we used to do that until one day we started to get along, how I feel like a disappointment when I let villains escape, and more.

"Oh gosh Kid. That's terrible." He said, and just comforted me.

"And I've been having these night mares, and uhm, I haven't been sleeping well, and how the nightmares were kind of like this. I got kidnapped, and then they beat the heck outta me.

"Crap. Captain man is gonna be here soon. He can't see us like this. He'll think you're working for me." Drex said, surprisingly worried.

"You're right." I said, standing up and wiping my eyes off.

"But Kid danger you should really tell Captain man about that."

"Yeah. I will. Thanks drex." I said.

"Captain man!" I said, running over to him and jumping into his arms.

"Kid! You're okay!" Captain man then said, hugging me.

"Can we go now? Please? I can't stay in here any longer." I said, acting tired and weak to get out of here.

"Yeah. Let's go." He said, completely ignoring Drex.

'Thanks KD.' drex mouthed as We left.

'no problemo. And thank you too.' I mouthed back.

*Time skip*
*In the man cave*

"Uhm, Ray. I need to talk to you." I said nervously as we stepped into the man cave.

"Of course kid what up?" Ray said, blowing a bubble to change back into his normal outfit.

"Uhm, I have been having nightmares and stuff, and I can't sleep well at night, and, and," I said, but started crying. I tried not to cry, because I didn't want to feel more vulnerable than I already did, but I cried anyways.

"Oh kid," Ray said, rubbing my back. I vented to him the same thing I told Drex, but I didn't tell him I told Drex the same thing.

I knew though, that I trust them, and the people I trust will always be here for me. :)

:) I don't know what this ending became but ya knowwwww ya:)))

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