Movies and madness

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∆∆Third Person POV∆∆ (I'm trying to expand my horizons)
A/N: none of the people it movies in this are mine. Only the idea is. I don't normally say it but I felt like I should because I'm using more than just Henry Danger

Piper, Charlotte, Henry, Jasper, Ray, and Shwoz were all getting ready for a movie night at the man cave. They were going to watch all sorts of stuff, like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Marvel.

They all got snacks, popcorn, pretzels, MNMs, Skittles, chocolate, and more, drinks, suck as lemonade, water, and soda/pop, and changed into pajamas. Henry and Piper's were light pink, light blue, and white, they wanted to match a little. Charlotte's was Yellow and black checkered, Jasper's was a white tee shirt and red striped pants, Ray wore a onesie, but for what reason no one would know, and for the jokes of it Shwoz wore one too, but really just to make fun of Ray, which everyone found really funny. They started with Percy Jackson, commenting on parts throughout the way. Then they watched Harry Potter, in awe of all of the magic, then started Marvel, well, finished it, but Piper and Henry wouldn't know that, they accidentally fell asleep, Piper's head on Henry's shoulder and Henry's head on top of Piper's during Spiderman:No Way Home.

I know this is probably isn't that good, but in my defense it's midnight when I'm writing this and I still have to study for like 3 exams tomorrow, well, today I guess if you want to be like that, but I was really feeling just a short little Piper and Henry wholesome moment, so I hope you like it. That was such a long sentence go back and realize how long it was. It's like 60 or something words.

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