You can cry

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Before I start thank you divinedancer07 for letting me use your idea. I love your story's they are amazing. I didn't want it to be too similar to yours so I used the idea but tried to make the events different.
Henry's POV:(Henry is 16)

I have been seeing my parents less and less lately. I tried asking them about it, but they just say 'we will tell you later Hen' and walk away. I haven't asked Piper, but I'm sure she knows something.

*A few days later*

I got home really late from work. Piper was on the couch, doing something on her phone, like usual, and my parents had. . . A nervous look on their faces. Me and Captain man just finished taking down some villains. I had to chase mine around for a while though, so I was really tired, and out of breath.

"What's going on?" I asked, right as I walked in the door.

"Well,Henry..." My mother started.

"Sorry Hen, they don't have enough money so they are moving away and not taking you will them. But they're taking me because I'm younger and don't know as much about life. Or at least that's what they said when they rehearsed it a thousand times." Piper blurted out, knowing our parents wouldn't.

"And our plane leaves in an hour. We have to go. This money will take care of the rent for a month. After this moneys gone, it's up to you to figure out what you do. We'll try to come back when we have enough money." My mother said, and I knew she wasn't going to come back.

"Just let me talk to Piper for a minute. Alone." I said, and they nodded and went off to get the car ready.

"I'm sorry Henry." Piper said once they left, putting her arms around my neck.

"Just make sure you text me, Kay?" I asked, hugging her back.

"As long as you text me back. Love you Henry." Piper said, and we both smiled. I waved them off as they left the driveway, and Piper was the only one that waved back.

*Time skip to in the man cave*

"Hey Hen! What's up with you? You look. . . Down." Charlotte said.

"It's not a big deal. Just a fight with my family. And my parents are mad at us." I replied, hoping that was a good excuse.

"If you say so. If you need anything, just text me okay?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Hey guys!" Ray had said a few minutes later coming down the tube.

"Hey Ray!" Charlotte exclaimed, and I just waved.

"Charlotte, can I talk to you?" Ray asked, and we went into a different room.
Charlotte's POV:

I think Ray also noticed something wrong with Henry, because after he saw Henry, he asked to speak with me in the other room.

"What's up with him?" Ray asked once we were out of earshot.

"I don't know! He said he got in a fight with his sister and his parents were mad at both of them, but that's clearly not it." I replied.

"Guys, I'm sure I can figure out what's up with Henry. Just give me a week." Jasper says, coming out of nowhere.

"Okay." I said, shrugging.


"Thanks." Jasper says, then leaves again.

Henry's POV:
*Time skip*

I left work early, told Ray I had a stomach ache, because I know it's s going to storm later, and I can't be walking in it.

The storm started right when I got into the house, and thankfully, Piper texted me.

Piper: hey Hen, how's it been?
Henry: It's storming, so not that good.
Piper: I'm so sorry Hen. I really wish I could be there. I miss Swellview so much. I hate to say it, but I think I would rather hang out with Jana Tetrazzini every day then not see you.
Henry: Ha, I wish you could be here to Pipes.
Piper: sorry, mom & dad are coming to check on me. They decided we'd like it Dystopia by the way. Miss you.
Henry: bye Piper. Miss you.

I managed to fell asleep, after a few hours, just to wake up three hours later. And I knew I would have to tell someone. Charlotte or Jasper would know that Piper wasn't there. And Piper is always there. We might have fought, all the time, but we really did love eachother.

Jasper's POV:

I was behind the counter in Junk and Stuff when Henry walks in. He was trying not to cry, but I could see tears slowly fall down his face.

"Henry, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"Hey Jasp. Meet me in the man cave. I'll tell you all at the same time." Henry said, then walked to the elevator.

I followed shortly after, to see Henry's head on Charlotte's shoulder and Charlotte hugging Henry.

"Okay I'm here." I said.

"So, what's going on, Hen?" Charlotte asked. Ray, Shwoz, Charlotte, and I are waiting for his answer.

"Uhm... My parents... Left... Me and took... Piper." He said, trying really hard not to cry, I could tell.

Ray came over to Charlotte and Charlotte moved out of the way. It's almost as if Ray say this coming.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You can stay here in the man cave until we figure something out. You still have Piper right? You can text her?" Ray asked. I saw Henry nod. Everyone else was silent.

"Than it's gonna be okay. We're going to figure this out, all of us. You know, it's not weakness to show your emotions. You can cry, Henry. No one will judge you."

Henry's POV:

"You can cry, Henry. No one will judge you." When Ray said that, I just hugged him tight, and cried. I put my head on his shoulder, and cried. He hugged me back. At this moment, I knew we would be able to figure something out. Together.

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