Henry's a parent!? Pt3

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Henry's POV                          

"Finally you're here!" I exclaimed, partially annoyed, when Ray came down the elevator.

"Yeah, sorry Kid. So how bad is it?"

I just walk over to him, baby Charlotte asleep in my arms.

"I swear if you do anything to wake her right now you're dead. I'll tell Shwoz to make something to make you feel pain." I said, anger traveling with my words.

"Yessir. How can I help?" Ray asked, definitely teasing me.

"I need Shwoz to make an antidote to make Char back to normal. And the sooner the better." I said, gently rocking baby Charlotte back and forth as she started to stir.

"You got it. I'll tell him to hurry up and get over here so he can make one." Ray said, then ran off to a different room before I could say anything else.

*Time skip 1 hour*

"Shh... It's okay baby Char, shh..." I said, gently bouncing her in my arms.

I guess I didn't notice Piper walk in, because the next thing I know, Piper is on the phone with someone, talking about Me.

"He's at work."


"I know. I'll tell him."

Another Pause.

"Mom, I know what I'm doing. I'll talk to him. Now please, we have work we need to do."


"Kay, bye mom."

"What did mom want?" I questioned, then went to the autosnacker to get a bottle of milk for baby Charlotte.

"She wanted to come and see you. You better get up there and act like you're doing something before she gets here. And give me Baby Charlotte. That is Charlotte, right?"

"Yeah, Shwoz wanted Me, Char, or Jasp to drink something he made, Jasper couldn't because he is going to go on a trip with his parents tomorrow, I couldn't because, you know, Kid Danger, and Charlotte was the last option. Now I gotta get upstairs. See you later."

Piper's POV                       

I took baby Charlotte from Henry, watched him go upstairs, and waited a few minutes. I had to see what he would say to mom. So, as the little sister I am, I went upstairs, and sat behind the counter on the stool next to Henry. He knew he couldn't say anything about it, mainly because mom just walked in.

"Hey darlings! How's work going?" My mom asked as she walked in.

"It's going, no one much has came in today." Henry shrugged.

"Well what kind of things do you sell?"

"Junk." Henry said.

"And stuff." I said.

"It's literally in the name." We finished in unison.

"Oh well I'll just get this. How much is is? I don't see any price tags anywhere." She commented.

"Uhm, 10 bucks." Henry said, picking up the small nail polish kit my mom put on the counter.

She nodded and gave Henry a ten dollar bill, who in return gave my mom the box and then put the money in the register.

"Who is that? She looks a lot like Charlotte." Mom commented, noticing the baby in my arms.

"We found her in front of the store this morning. Funny enough, the paper that was with her said that her name was Charlotte." Henry said, noticing my fail for response.

"Oh well, good luck! Bye now!" My mom said, waving, then left the store.

"Okay now that that's over, back downstairs to figure out what to do to get her back to normal faster or to get Shwoz here faster." Henry said, and we both made our way to the elevator.

Part 4 will be posted hopefully in the next day or two

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