Visting (Chapter 76 [#1])

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[Lana enters the hospital room, which Kit is in]

Lana: [Pulls up a chair and sits] I figured Y/N would be here.

Kit: She was.

Lana: So, where is she?

Kit: [Sighs] ...We got--into a fight.

Lana: Oh.

Kit: What happended with Trevor?

Lana: Oh um, he's still alive and well, [under breath] unfortunately.

Kit: [Soffs] Oh great, all that for nothin'! [in angry tone]

Lana: Calm down, his karma will come eventually.

Kit: [Scoffs] Eventually better be soon.

Lana: [Laughs] Oh, Kit. How ya feeling?

Kit: Much better! So, when can I leave?

Lana: Not sure.

Kit: [Groans] I wanna leave, already!

Lana: You will.

Kit: [Sharply inhales] Will you do me a favor?

Lana: Of cour-- WAIT, what is it?

Kit: [Laughs] Nothin' illeagal or gross!

Lana: [Places a hand on chest & exhales] Oh thank, god!

Kit: No, no, no! Check on Y/N for me, will ya? Aleast, 'till I'm out of here...

Lana: Kit, that's my sister, where do you think I was going after this?

Kit: Oh.

Lana: [Gets up] I'll go check on her now if you want.

Kit: Yes, Thank you!

Lana: [Walking to door] No problem.

[Lana opens the door but pauses before leaving]

Lana: Oh and Kit--


Lana: You're gonna be just fine, you're gonna get out, beat the shit outta Trevor and have you happily ever after with Y/N.

[Kit gives Lana and warm smile and nods once, then she exits]


ALR SRRY IT'S SHORT BUT YET AGAIN IM GROUNDED!!! Um I was trying new writing prompts and stuff to help me later in life so srry this is confuing. Also, i'm changing the reader's pronous to she/her now bc it's easier 4 me that way if u want you can change them in ur head but this is what im doin' srry!

Happily Ever After (Kit Walker x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now