Did he hurt you? (Chapter 10)

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"So Y/N, tell me about your ex!" Kit suggested "Oh uh Trevor?" You asked him as if he was insane "Yeah!" He exclaimed "Oh yea well one time I ran outta gas he saw me helped me. Took me out and yea that's it!" You rushed to say "Okay...well what was it like dating him?" He continued "Uh- Hell?" You laughed.

He gave you a concered look "Did he hurt you?" Kit hissed "No!" You shouted as Lana shouted back with "Yes!" Kit looked at you with confusion "Did he or did he not?" He pushed with anger in his voice "No, he didn't!" You went on "Stop, lying to him!" Lana mumbled as she lit her ciggerate. "Lana, what happened?" Kit's voice fummed with anger. "Trevor, would come home from work with hickeys that weren't from Y/N!" She went on "Shut up!" You grunted through your teeth.

"No, go on." Kit commaned "They never did much about it until one night. The asshole got mad and beat them resentlessly. After that and before that!" She continued "Don't listen to her, she's lying!" You lied.

"Let's not forget when you wanted to call Kit for help but his wife picked up and said he was 'too busy for your problems and that it was your fault you were in this sitaution'!" Lana waved her hand around as she said all this.

"She did what now?" Kit hissed "Nothing!" You walked over to Lana took a seat by her and continued to talk "Lana has got a wild imagnation and a huge mouth-"You said while elbowing her in the stomacth hard but not hard enough to hurt her. "When did this all happen?" Kit went on.


"About a month ago!" You both argued

"Did anything else bad hapen between you and Trevor?" Kit questioned "Nope!" You said with a smile on your face. "Yes!" Lana looked at you "Will you, quit that?!" You screeched "Well Y/N would refuse sex and Trevor really didn't agree with that so he-" Lana was innrupted by Grace "Hey, guys!" She gave Kit a seductive smile again. "Grace hold on a sencond! Continue, Lana." He gave Grace a 'One minute' finger "OoOh! What are we talking about here?" She giggled sitting next to Kit.

"Nothing!" Lana smiled "Well clearly you were. Oh, come I can keep a seceret!" She went on "Well, Y/N-" Kit was cutoff "Look I didn't even want you to know let alone stranger!" You finished as Lana handed you a ciggerate. "She's not a stranger. She's Grace!"Kit said confused.

"Kit...I don't feel confortable with this topic and so let it go!" You snarled "Fine." Kit sighed "Oh, cmon Tate! Just tell me." She said circling around his chest with her finger.


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