Freedom (Chapter 26)

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"W-what?" He was shocked by what you had just called him. You sighed "What is wrong with you?" You bit your lip in anger "What do you mean 'wrong with me'?" He was clueless "I mean, what am I doll?!" You snapped "Ohhh!" He had a look on his face that read 'Ohhh shit'.

"Um- I don't really know?" He shruged, Your hands clenched into fists "WHAT DO YA MEAN 'I don't know'!" You mocked "Look, i'm sorry." He mumbled. "No you're not!".

"Y/N WINTERS," You both whipped your head around "My office, now." Threadson squinted at you both. You gulped and walked towards him. He led you to his office "Y/N, I know you're not supposed to be here." He shut the door "Y-you do?" You had a bad feelin about all this "Yes." He locked it. "So, I want to help you leave." He clapped his hands. "Oh." You were speechless, "And to do so, we must prove your sane." He went to a file cabinet and searched through the files. "And, how will we do that?" Your heart raced "Here." He slid you your file. it read various things but one caught your attention, "...Abandonment issues?" You questioned. "Yes?" He asked as if you were supposed know "You are diagnosed with abandonment issues, you weren't aware?" He chuckled. "No." He stopped, "Well, i'm here to make you...better, and help you get out, get back your freedom." He stated looking for 2 other flies.

"Why tho?" You tapped your foot "Because it's wrong for a innocent person to be wronged." He coughed "So, what about Kit, Lana...Grace?" You wait for a answer "What about them?" He turned around "They're all innocent." You leaning closer on his desk. "And how do you know?"

"They're would never do what you're accusing them of!" You folded your arms "You know what, I wanna see Lana's file." You banged on his desk. "You, know I shouldn't be showing you this." He sighed throwing you 3 files.

You spread them out and they read: Lana Winter, Kit Walker, Grace Bertrand.

YOu rushed to open Kit "No." then Grace's "No." You rushed to Lana's "She doesn't have one." You looked up at him. He sat in his chair "Hmm?" You grabbed Kit's and Grace's "Look. They all say why they were admitted here!" You pointed "So?"

"Lana doesn't have one, BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T DO IT!" You slammed her on the desk.

"Oh, dear Y/N."

Happy Birthday Evan (yes im still celebrating his b-day) Um and Noah, Novi, Emily, Jade. I apologize if you're reading this and I promise you chapter 21 & 11 are not me okay :)

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