Non-cozy house (Chapter 42)

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"Oh?" You were egar to hear to what she had to say "Yea." She contiued sipping "But i'm not telling you what!" She said in a sing-songy tone "SO THEN WHY'D YOU TELL ME?" You shouted playfully, she bursted out in laughter.

You disscused how to free Kit and Grace from the asylum "Break out?" You suggested "Can't people would know, plus they'd still never see Thomas, again." She rolled her eyes "Thomas?" You were unsure of who he was "...The baby?" SHe asked as if you were supposed to know "THERE'S A BABY?!" She scoffed "GRACE'S BABY, IDOT!"

"Oh right."

You still went over plans "Only one that works is the tape thing." She sighed "But how'd we get that to pass?" She questioned herself "Well, we'd need some straight white man." You laughed "Heh, yea." She also laughed lighting a ciggerate. "Holy shit. I might just know someone who could help us!" You gasped "Who?" She haned you a ciggerate. "Just let's see if there's more opinons till we must." You insisted "Fine, fine." she looked at the kitchen table containing the tape Threadson gave you.

"What does it say?"

"What does what say?"

"His tape."

"Oh. You wanna hear it yourself?"

"Does it requiere leaving this house?"



She picked up the tape.

"Let's go!" she opened the door.

You groaned. "C'mon, you gotta leave that creepy house." You and her walked into town.

"It's not's cozy." You mumbled.

"Ew, what no. The house Kit and his wife may I remind you chose out is not cozy!"

"They didn't. Kit had that house long before they even met." You continued to mumble.

"And how do you know?" She raised a brow "I helped him pick it out..." You confessed "WHAT?!" She turned to you "KEEP WALKING!!!" You pushed her.

You got to the libray "Alright, take the tape go in there and play it." You instucted her "And you will be?"
"WAITING OUT HERE FOR YOU! Now go." You shooed her away. About 5 minutes had passed and she walked out mouth, eyes wide open. "Y/n this is exactly what we need!" She shouted "I know!"

"Were going back to Kit's non-cozy house and calling up that guy." She grabbed your wrist and pulled you out.

You both walked and walked till you arrived , you unlokced the door. You ran up to the phone and quickly dialed the number.

Lana placed herself on the couch and watched you hold the phone to you ear. "What's happening?" You held out a finger "shh, it's ringing!" You hushed her.

"Hi, Trevor. I need a huge favor!"

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