24 year old (Chapter 19)

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"Oh, someones mad!" Kit mockingly pouted. Grace walked in and sat by him. "Look at him. He's a 24 year old man who acts four." You crossed your arms.

"Same comebacks, aye?" He remarked. You scoffed, Grace wrapped her arms around him and started talking to him.

Lana leaned towards you and began to whisper "So did the four year old say anything about the broom closet incedent, yet?" She twiddled with her hair "Yea." You placed you hand out for another cigerette. She handed you one, and lit it for you.

As she did that Kit glaced at you two and rolled his eyes, "What'd he say then?" She pondered "About last night...I was drunk whatever Lana gave you really fucked me up so what happend in that broom closet meant nothing." You mocked quietly.
"But it was water." She said blankley as you didn't know "I'm aware!" You said with an sarcastic tone slighly shouting enough for Grace and Kit to look over at the both of you. Lana waved akwardly.

About 20 minutes passed with you and Lana talking about escaping. Grace was called by Threadson for something so it left You, Kit and Lana alone.

She pulled out a deck of cards, and stated shuffling "You in?" She looked at Kit. He looked around "...Me?" He slowly responed. "No, the bogeyman." She responed.

"Oh, okay um yea I guess..." He rubbed his neck, She dealed everyone seven cards "Y/N." Kit looked looked up at you "Why are doing this?" He continued.

"Doing what?" You asked placing down card unware of what you were playing. Kit looked around "You know..." His voice trailed off into a mumble. Lana placed down a card aswell, then Kit. "No! I don't know!" You slammed another card onto the table.

"Why are you being such a bitch latey?"

You threw your cards on the table, getting up and walking off.


Back to the slow writing bc i'm starting school again tmmrw.

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