Thoughts (Chapter 46)

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"Yeah, um- i'm kinda tired. You?" You turned your head towards her "A little. I'll see ya tomorrow! Kit should be released Sunday. So i'll go shopping for you, the cooking should maybe be you know...personal?" she got up and dusted herself off for some reason.

"Oh right, thank you." You hugged her, she hugged back "No problem, y/n!". She opened the door and left. You sighed nights and days without sleep. You were unsure on how you were still alive. You opened the door to the bedroom, it smelt nice. Like..


You plopped down on the bed, Kit's side in particular. It was comfortable, you snuggled into the pillow. "Mmh." You sighed into the pillow. 'I'm sure Kit wouldn't mind.' you chuckled in your mind.

You thought about a lot of things trying to sooth yourself to sleep.

'Are Kit and Grace okay?'

'Is Eunice still alive? I'm pretty sure she was possessed...'

'Do they still have the baby?'

'Why'd Threadson release me?'

'I need to get outta these clothes he gave me.'

'What were those things chasing us on the night of the storm?'

'And that thing that knocked over the pots when Kit and Grace were-? No.'

'Are they actually gonna marry?'

'Probably, like I told Lana. He wants to be a good father.'

'And that's fine! Not my life.'

Sooner or later, after a few more thoughts you drifted asleep.

"Y/n????" A soft sing-song voice spoke, you regonized that voice off the top of your head. You could tell it was still dark without opening you eyes. "Kit no, not again. Go to sleep." You ordered "Can't." You could feel his eyes all over you. You groaned and opened your eyes. "Heya, beautiful." He smiled. You were just mad at him, but couldn't stay mad at that smile.

"Hi, Kit. Can I help you?" you couldn't help it you had to smile back.

"Nahh, just can't sleep that's all."

"Alright, i'll stay up with you 'till you fall asleep how's that?" You suggested.

"Sounds great!" He kissed yor nose.

That drove you insane.

"Fine, alright talk to me. What's on your mind?"

"You're no good for me. But baby, I want you. I want," He stopped.

You chuckled at this commeent.

"Never was there was there a girl so pretty."

You covered you face in embarresment.

"Do you think we'll be in love forever?"

You could feel yourself more tired than ever, but him being more awake than ever.

"You're no good for me, but baby I want you, I want."

You pinned your body ontop of his. "I think I know something that'll get you more tired than ever."


Next chapter's smut fyi. Also this was inspired by diet mountain dew by Lana del ray (one of my favorites)

EDITED A/N 5/5/23:



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