chapter thirty seven

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point of view - marianna ortez -

"Girl come on we have to get out of here," Laysia tried to pull me up off of the couch, resulting in the both of us ending up laid out on the couch.

"You know damn well," I couldn't even finish my sentence without bursting into a fit of laughter.

"What's funny bitch?" She groaned and stood back up, finishing off her water bottle.

"You just fell on me," I explained.

"Drunk ass," she mumbled. "I just got off the phone with its Stokeley and he said jahseh is out looking for you so we just need to get you out of here before he finds you."

It was bound to happen. I knew it would only be a matter of time.

I felt a change in my mood and I hated the feeling coming over me. I was nauseous and sad. And angry.

Fuck that I was pissed.

"Who does he think he is!" I groaned.

Point of view - alaysia brown-

I watched as her eyes teared up, "he just hurts me and then kicks me to the curb just to find me and hurt me again. I hate him I wish I never met him!"

She tried to stand up, but in her drunk state she was struggling.

I watched as she stumbled to the kitchen area of our cheap hotel room and grabbed the bottle of patron the rested on the counter.

"Like really who does he think.." she paused and
opened her mouth, chugging some of the patron.

"Hey maybe you shouldn't-"

"No!" She yelled. "Just leave me alone. You'd better get out of here before he gets here. You don't wanna be here for it I promise you."

"No I'm not gonna leave you here for you to get hurt." I explained. "We just have to leave before he gets here."

"Laysia you have to just let me stay. He's gonna find me whether we leave or not. And where are we gonna go? I just spent the last of my money for three nights at the stupid overpriced cheap ass hotel."

"We can go to the police."

"I can't go to the police! I'm a runaway foster child. I'm going straight to juvie and as if they would believe me! No one ever did before!"

"There has to be something we can do," I explained.

She stumbled over to the bathroom and closed the door behind her, "there's nothing, laysia. Just go... go to Stokeley and stay safe."

I've never seen the abusive side of jahseh come out. But combined with the alcohol, her overwhelming emotions, and fear of him, I guess it could explain how dramatic she's acting.

Is she being dramatic or is it really that bad?


"Just leave me alone." She sobbed from the other side of the door.

"Come on dont cry, just come out and we can talk about it," I sighed, leaning against the counter that was near the bathroom door.

"I just want to go home," she cried.

"We can go home," I explained.

"I didn't even have much but everything I did have he took it away," she continued.

"I'll find us a way, just let me worry about it." I sighed.

"I'm scared..." she sniffled. "If he finds out I slept with someone he's gonna kill me. You didn't tell anyone did you?"

I felt guilty, knowing I would be responsible for anything that happened. I shouldn't have told Stokeley. It wasn't even my business to tell.

And he told jahseh and that's exactly why he's coming to find her.

Would he really kill her? Would he really be that angry to hurt her?

He couldn't possibly...

And one lie couldn't possibly hurt anyone. As long as no one ever told her I was the one to snitch she would never know.

"No I would never do that to you. I promise."

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