chapter two

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point of view - marianna ortez


I jumped in my seat. Shit I must have fallen asleep. Where am I at?

I looked over and X seemed to be extremely angry. I flinched when he punched his steering wheel.

"I-is everything okay?" I asked.

"Shut the fuck up!" He screamed at me.

I looked at him and didn't say anything. "

"Why is she looking at me like she's crazy. I will smack this bitch right now. I ain't never scared."

Who the hell is he talking to im the only one in the car with him. Right? I swear if one more man puts his hands on me I just might loose it.

I looked down at my lap. I don't know what to do. If I jump out this car im for sure dying.

His body twitched and he looked away from me. "Oh you're awake! We're almost to my house. I had a change of plans I got to meet ski about something."

I blinked real hard and looked at him. Is he for real? Is he deadass?

"I don't want to go to your house. You can just let me out right here I can find my way to a shelter or something." I told him.

"No it's okay, I promise it's no weird shit I just can't get the hotel tonight because I have business to handle but you can take my guest room." He shrugged.

He's not going to let me out the car and he just threatened me. I just went from one bad situation right into another.

I looked out my window and started thinking of ways I could get away from him. I have never been so terrified in my life.

A few minutes later we pulled down a road that was completely grass .for about three miles. Finally, we reached what I presumed to be his house and he parked in front of the entrance. It was one of those dramatic entrances with a water fountain in the middle and you have to basically drive in a circle.

My heartbeat started to speed up when he turned off the car.

He looked at me all confused, "what's wrong?"

"I just uhm... I don't want to go in there."

He looked at me like he was extremely confused? "What happened?"

I looked at him, "are you serious you just threatened me and screamed at me?"

"I didn't," he insisted.

"Yes you did. You got all red in the face. Your veins were popping and your eyes were black." I explained. "I woke up and you were just screaming at me."

He looked down like he was embarrassed and let out a sigh, "I just need to take my meds. I promise I'm not going to hurt you. You're my biggest fan remember?"

Yeah not anymore. "Yeah I remember."

"Okay so trust me."

I looked at him and sighed. I guess he didn't really leave me with much of a choice.

(inside of the home)

When we got inside, one of his friends I recognized as Ski Mask was waiting for him on the couch.

He looked me up and down Before licking his lips. "Who is this?"

"This is uhm, my friend she just needed a place to crash so imma let her use my guest room. I didn't have time to stop at a hotel," X explained.

"Nice to meet you, what's your name?" Ski asked me.

"Marianna, but you can call me Mari," I answered.

"Mari! I like it's giving Spanish vibes." X chuckled.

"I'm half Dominican," I nodded my head.

There was an awkward silence and it made its self very aware.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and the time read 2:34 Am. I noticed I had seventeen messages and thirty six missed calls from my foster dad and Three missed calls from my case manager. I'm going to get my number changed in the morning. I don't want anything to do with any of them.


I looked up from my phone and X was looking at me like I was crazy, " you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You just zoned out?" He explained.

"Yeah I'm just tired, can you show me to the guest room." I asked.

He nodded his head and started walking up the stairs so I followed behind him. He lead me to the second room on the left and opened the door, "there's a bathroom in there and there should be towels and shit in there."

I walked into the room and sat my bag down on the bed, "thank you for all this you didn't have to do this." I pulled my hoodie over my head and tossed it on the bed.

When I looked back up at jahseh he was biting his lip, starring at me. I noticed his eyes were completely black once again, different from his usual brown eyes.

"Are you okay, it looks like you have something in your eyes," I told him.

He smirked, and kicked his lips, staring at my chest. I was wearing a tank top under my hoodie so I had a bit of cleavage showing. "Hello?" I snapped my fingers To catch his attention.

"Don't snap in my face bitch!" He yelled at me.

"Yeah this ain't for me, imma go" I stated as I reached for my bag.

It's already almost three in the morning and I haven't eaten anything or slept and this man is playing with me right now.

"What? You scared or somethin ," he chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

Every minute I spend with this Man I become less and less of a fan. He's a real asshole.

"I'm just playing with you go to bed," he joked and walked away. Leaving me confused.

I cannot with his mood swings.

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