chapter five

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point of view - marianna ortez

( that night )

Tonight Jahseh's friends are coming over so I was put in charge of making dinner for everyone. I'm excited for this job but I can't help but feel guilty for taking the chefs job.

For some reason Leah seems to be upset with me as well. I guess I'll ask her about it later.


I turned around from the stove and Jahseh was standing behind me in his boxers, "Jesus Christ."

"What? You never seen a real man before?" He smirked as he flexed his muscles.

"No I never met a grown man who couldn't dress himself though," I stated.

He rolled his eyes, "I need clothes. Leah was supposed to do laundry but she's in her feelings right now because I fired her man."

"The chef was her man?" I asked.

"Yeah." He shrugged it off like it was no big deal. "She's getting fired too, I told you I didn't want any maids."

"Yet you hired me as your chef?" I pointed out.

"Do you not want your job?" He asked.

"I do. But not at the sake of someone who actually needs it," I explained.

"What makes them need this job more than you?" He asked.

That's actually a pretty good question that I don't have the answer to. "Well I don't know."

"Well, we're friends I want to help you. I don't have to help them. They'll find work you know how many celebrities actually want and need help."

"I wasn't aware of this friendship status," I chuckled.

"You know what?" He chuckled. "Make my food woman!"

He laughed and walked away. I rolled my eyes and continued cooking dinner.

"Hey," I smiled at Leah when she walked into the kitchen.

He glared at me and then rolled her eyes.

"Did I do something to you?" I asked.

She scoffed. "You know some of us actually need this work. And it's people like you that make it hard for us."

"People like me?" What the hell is that supposed to mean. "What does that mean."

"You just waltz in here and shake your ass on the boss and get everything you want. I bet you've never worked a day in your life. Your probably live off mommy's money."

What'd she just say about my mother? "Don't talk about shit you don't know about." I told her.

"I think I know enough." She rolled her eyes. "Why don't you go back to whatever hole you crawled out of an-"

I grabbed her by her hair, "bitch I said don't talk about shit you don't know about. Mind your fucking business and next time come correct." I pushed her out of my face and walked out of the kitchen.

I need some air. I started to the stairs and headed for my room. I passed Jahseh on the stairs and he stopped me. "What's wrong."

"Cook you're own food, I quit."

I'm used to mean girls. I'm used to getting talked down to. Im used do getting bullied and pushed around. Im used to all of it. And I'm tired of it.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing, I don't want do talk about it."

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