chapter thirty four

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point of view -marianna ortez-

"Why the fuck aren't they answering the phone," I groaned and clicked the button for the elevator.

"Maybe they fell asleep," Laysia suggested.

"I hope not, I have to pee I can't hold it much longer." We walked inside of the elevator with our suitcases and pressed the button for the fifth floor.

After a few seconds the doors closed and the elevator started moving up.

"My anxiety just shot up my ass crack," I said as a familiar feeling ran through my body.

"It's probably cause of the elevator cause mine did too," laysia admitted.

"Better be," I sighed. I took out my phone and dialed Jahseh's number one more time, this time instead of it ringing, it went straight to voicemail after two rings.

"That nigga just declined your call," laysia pointed out.

Seconds later her phone started ringing and it was Stokeley. She answered it and put it on speaker since she was holding stuff in her hands, "hello?"

"You called?" His raspy voice echoed through the elevator.

"Yeah we're here." She explained.

"Where's here like at the hotel?" He asked.

"Yeah," she sighed.

"Alright don't come up here I'll come down there," he said quickly. "Y'all the girls are here!" He yelled to someone in the background.

"We're already in the elevator on our way," she told him.

"Wait don't come up here," he told us.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Just wait," he said quickly and I then the call dropped.

Laysia looked and me and I looked at her. "This sounds like some bullshit, here hold this let me put my hair up."

She handed me her purse and then quickly put her hair into a tight bun.

My hair was in two braids so I was chillin.

"I told you I had a bad fucking feeling. Now the pin to my card is 1990 so if I go to jail bail me out cause I'm bout to Rock this Niggas shit if he got a bitch in there," she started rambling as she bent down and put her crocks into sports mode.

She tied the string on her sweatpants and then took her hoodie off, handing it to me as well.

The elevator dinged and gathered the rest of our things before leaving the elevator and making our way down the long hallway, finding room 55.

I went to knock on the floor but it swung open revealing three girls in their underwear and bras, being rushed out the door.

"Hurry the fuck up, my girl cannot see you" I heard jahseh before seeing him appear behind the girls.

My heart dropped.


The girls looked over at me before each one of them smirked at me and walked right past me, knowing what they did.

I looked at jahseh and scoffed. "Are you fucking serious."

"Chill, stop yelling." He shushed me.

I looked up at him and noticed his eyes were Red, knowing he wasn't himself. But still, I was angry.

"You didn't take your medicine did you?" I asked.

"No," he said quietly. His eyes started to flicker black but I didn't care. I was angry.

"I'm done I'm not doing this with you," I chuckled under my breath.

"You always say that, if you wanna leave then leave. Stop looking for excuses," he spat.

"I don't need an excuse, I just can't do it. You just cheated on me again, and we aren't even official yet."

"Well then it's not cheating," he laughed in my face.

I nodded my head and chuckled, "you're right. And I'm not you're girlfriend. So go fuck yourself and the rest of the girls in the zip code for all I care." I turned around, heading for the elevator.

"And where are you finna go? That's my car and my money you chillin on," he walked behind me, grabbing my arm.

I took his keys and the card he gave me out of my purse and threw it it his face, "I don't need shit from you."

I saw his eyes darken and snatched my arm away. I got in the elevator and pressed the button, closing the doors quickly.

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