The Language of Love (Lisanna x Lucy)

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This oneshot was written by Pup from AO3. Due to various problems, he was not able to create his own account and post his own oneshots, so I have agreed to post a few of his. This is one of those oneshots.


I hope you enjoy!


Lisanna didn't know what she could have ever done to deserve something at wonderful and amazing as... what she had right here and now.
Under "normal" circumstances, a person would be stiffened up due to being interrupted by a sudden thought process or would try to ignore the thoughts entirely, but Lisanna did neither.
She simply thought back, and bathed in the wonder of the present.

Lucy was undoubtedly the kindest, most loving, most forgiving person to ever grace the world with her presence. No matter how much time it took, EVERYONE came to appreciate, like, and ultimately love her in their own ways.
She was like the brightest Star in the sky, outshining all the others, and instead of being proud, she encouraged all the others to shine brighter and surpass her.

Every single person who had ever hurt her, abused her, tortured her even, had been forgiven by her personally.
No matter how horrid the treatment could be(like from Gajeel, Flare, and Minerva), her pure heart shined on, and offered all a second chance if they wished for it.
She didn't even seem to know HOW to genuinely carry a grudge. Either that, or she just REFUSED to hold one.

Lucy had also been deemed the Light of the Fairies. But she wasn't nicknamed so based on her magic.
No, it was because she was like a beacon of hope and joy to so many people, lighting their way through the darkness. She had a way of bringing out the best in people, without even trying.

But she didn't only have a way with people; she also had a way with her Celestial Spirits. It was known by everyone who ever met her or who'd listened to her from an interview how much the blonde loved the Celestial Spirits, each and every one of them.

According to the Lion Spirit, Loke, Lucy had even managed to befriend the Celestial Spirit King himself.
She'd actually managed to become friends with the most powerful Spirit to ever exist, and convinced him to bend the rules and give Loke another chance after he was initially sentenced to destruction for his past actions.

Lucy was beautiful, intelligent, mature beyond her years, outgoing, friendly, honest, selfless, kind-hearted, forgiving, and just... perfect in every way.
Lisanna would never stop being grateful for having met her.

They say that kissing is The Language of Love, and holding a conversation is quite enjoyable, and that it's what comes next that is the best part.
However, somehow, everyone seemed to have either missed something, or what these two girls had was truly special and unparalleled.

Lisanna and Lucy weren't people who couldn't speak their feelings, who couldn't say "I love you".
They were open and expressive, but somehow, there were things they just couldn't express to each other with only words.
Only their actions could do so properly, and none had ever tried to take things a step further than exchanging these special kisses.

They simply didn't need to.

Lisanna knew it must have happened sometime after the Alvarez War, but couldn't quite remember when *they* had happened, when their friendship became something more, when they had become closer, more caring, and WAY more secretive.

And honestly, they didn't WANT to make their closeness, their bond, their love, known to their friends or to the public. Not yet at least.
They would definitely get teased for it and all, someone would try to get gossip out of it, people would try to slam a label on their relationship, and the questions both from their friends and the public would never stop coming.

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