Mira's Truth or Dare Scheme (Levy x Lucy)

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This was requested by Bellaboo097023.

I love Luvy. It's a great ship and Lucy and Levy's dynamic is amazing. I love ships in which the two characters start out as best friends. After all, friendship is arguably the best foundation for a romance. I definitely ship Luvy.

I'm not all that familiar with Seven Minutes in Heaven, so I hope that I wrote the game well, especially since I'm not comfortable with sexual content in fanfics and tried my best to write Levy and Lucy playing the game without getting very uncomfortable.

I hope you enjoy!


"What's wrong, Levy?"

Mira sat down a glass that she had been cleaning as she turned her blue gaze to the letter mage that had laid her head, face first, on the surface of the bar with an audible 'thump' and a groan. The barmaid watched as Levy sat up, propping her left arm up with her elbow on the bar and the left side of her face cupped by her own palm. She slouched, her brown eyes depressively staring at her right hand that rested on the bar.

She gave a sigh before looking up at Mira, answering, "I like someone and don't know how to tell her."

Mira's eyes lit up. Going into matchmaker mode, she leaned closer to Levy and asked with intense interest, "'she?' I never pegged you for a lesbian."

Levy responded with a flat tone, "I'm not solely into women. I also like men."

Mira nodded. She then questioned, her interest growing at the thought of Levy being in love with another woman, "who is she? I can probably help you."

Levy hesitated. She witnessed Mira's matchmaking schemes in the past, but thankfully she was never before on the receiving end. She wasn't too fond of the take-over mage getting involved in her love life, especially when she doesn't even know if the woman she's interested in is also into women. Then again, if anybody would know the answer to that mystery, it would be Mira. Plus, she could help Levy get a date with the fellow guildmate that she was crushing on.

The blue-haired woman sighed. Deciding that she might as well give in because otherwise, Mira would not leave it alone, Levy answered in a whisper that only Mira would be able to hear, "It's Lucy."

Mira had to grip the surface of the bar in front of her to the point that it almost broke in order to keep herself from squealing. Levy instantly began regretting her decision when she saw the huge grin that spread across Mira's pretty face. The white-haired mage loudly whispered back, rather too loudly in Levy's opinion, "I thought you and Lucy were just best friends. Now those looks you would always give her whenever she's not looking make sense."

Levy rolled her eyes and let her left arm lay on top of the bar as she straightened her posture from its previous slouching position. She asked quietly, "do you know if Lucy is into women? I've never had the guts to ask her myself."

Mira folded her arms on the bar, leaning forward and resting her large breasts on them. "Lucy and I actually had a conversation recently and the topic of her and my sexualities came up. She confessed to me that while she wasn't sure what exactly her sexuality was, she's definitely into women." Levy was about to say something to express her surprise, but Mira raised a finger to silence her. The barmaid then continued after putting down her raised finger and resuming her previous position, "she also told me that she has feelings for one of the women in the guild."

Levy waited for Mira to continue speaking. When she was sure that the other young woman was finished, she asked with widened eyes filled with hope, "did she say who?"

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