Fiery Rival (Lisanna x Lucy ft. Cana, Mira, Levy, Wendy, and Genderbent Natsu)

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This was requested on AO3 by butterflyzilla.

As per the request, this takes place in an Alternate Reality where Lucy, Cana, Mira, Levy, and Wendy are on a team together, Lucy has a type of Eye Magic that allows her to control people, and Natsu is a woman.


I hope that you enjoy!


Lucy sipped on her milkshake as she watched Lisanna talk to Natsuki. A rotten feeling rose from within her gut and she tightened her grip on the cold cup in her hand. She had been in Fairy Tail for several years now, and in that time, she developed weird feelings toward Lisanna. She shook her head and looked back at her team. Levy, Cana, Mira, and Wendy were engaged in a conversation about what they should do this weekend.

Cana wanted to go drinking at several different bars. Mira wanted to go to Crocus for a small vacation. Wendy wanted to have a weekend-long sleepover. And Levy wanted to go on a job.

Lucy didn't care about what they did. Honestly, she just wanted to get away from Lisanna. She didn't know what was going on with her, but she did know that she didn't like these feelings and wanted to avoid the white-haired woman as much as she could.

When her team found out about this, they proclaimed that she was in love with Lisanna. Cana was welcoming her into the "sapphic life", Levy and Wendy were telling her that she had to confess, and Mira was already planning the wedding.

Lucy, however, was quick to shut them done. She was sure that she wasn't a lesbian. It was impossible. It was wrong too. She had learned that from her father.

Against her will, her brown eyes moved to Lisanna again, who was still talking happily with her best friend. Lucy clenched her teeth, and the rotten feeling quickly returned. Her attention was brought back to her team when she heard Levy speak to her, "you need to confess to her already, Lucy!"

The blonde woman stared at her in disbelief before she responded, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Cana slapped her hand onto her back and spoke for Levy, "you clearly have a thing for Lisanna. Go talk to her."

Lucy shook her head, denying, "I am not in love with Lisanna! I can't be! My father-"

It was Mira who interrupted her, "Lucy! Listen to me!" She started off sternly and continued with that same tone when her friend looked at her, "your father was a homophobic jerk! He tried to fit you into a box! He tried to force you to be the daughter he wanted, not the daughter he got!" Lucy watched as Mira took her hands into hers before she went on, her voice considerably softer, "there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian. There is nothing wrong with being in love with a woman. There is nothing wrong with you, Lucy."

Lucy looked down at her hands, held tightly in her friend's own hands. She let Mira's words sink in, closing her eyes as she thought over what had just been said to her. She remembered all the things that her father had said on the topic of lesbianism. Two women dating and getting married was wrong. Marriage is for a man and a woman. Lesbians are damned inhuman creatures. These comments and others had hurt her deeply for a reason that she was never able to put her finger on. She had grown up believing that it was wrong to be in love with another woman. Could she be wrong? As she thought about what Mira had just said, she couldn't stop herself from thinking that her father could have been wrong and she could be a lesbian.

She opened her eyes and looked back at her encouraging teammates. After several moments of silence, she hesitantly spoke, "what about Natsuki?"

Cana leaned against Lucy as she downed another mug of alcohol before she answered, "leave that fire-breather to us!"

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