CPR (Cana x Lucy ft. Brandish)

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This was requested on Tumblr by bearandbirdfan.

Something important to note here: CPR is not portrayed very accurately in movies. It is not a method that is meant to restart someone's heart. It cannot bring someone back to life after sudden cardiac arrest. That's not how it works. It is defined as "an emergency procedure consisting of chest compressions often combined with artificial ventilation in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest." It is to keep someone's brain and vital organs alive and blood circulating long enough for emergency services to attempt to save them. CPR alone cannot save a person. If someone is in need of CPR, the first course of action that you should take is to call emergency services and follow what instructions that the person on the line with you may give you. CPR is to only be performed if you are trained in it. The way that I portray CPR in this oneshot is in accordance with the oneshot request.

With that out of the way, let's go on with the oneshot!

I hope you enjoy!


Cana's hands were centered on Lucy's chest, shoulders directly over her hands and elbows locked. She pressed hard on her girlfriend's chest, reaching a rate of one-hundred to one-hundred-twenty compressions per minute. She counted the chest compressions in her mind before she tilted Lucy's head and breathed into her mouth once.

After she saw the blonde's chest rise with the breath, she waited for air to exit her girlfriend's mouth before she breathed a second breath into her mouth. Two breaths that each lasted a second with a couple of seconds between the first and second breath. She then resumed chest compressions. The card mage gritted her teeth, switching between chest compression and the two breaths.

She heard Brandish sigh before remarking, "she's already gone. I don't know you're doing this." Her tone sound as though she was sad. Why the hell would she be sad when she just tried to kill Lucy?

Cana performed the two breaths into Lucy's mouth before she resumed chest compressions and shouted back, "shut up! Shut the hell up!"

She performed the two breaths again, Lucy's chest rising with both of the breaths, and once again resumed chest compressions. She sneered at the green-haired woman that was being held back by Aquarius off to the side, "if Lucy doesn't come back, I swear, I'm going to kill you with my bare hands!"

Aquarius added as she tightened her hold on Brandish, "and I won't stop her."

As Cana performed CPR on her girlfriend, she silently begged her to open her eyes and begin breathing on her own. She prayed to whatever higher power that would listen to give her girlfriend back to her.

The card mage wanted to do so many more things with Lucy. She wanted to go on more dates, fight alongside each other more, become S-Class mages together, and get married. She wanted to have a life with the blonde woman that lay on the floor in front of her, seeming to be lifeless, as she pressed harshly on her chest and breathed into her mouth twice.

She glanced at the open doorway, wondering where the hell Porlyusica was. The old woman had left to tend to some task and had said that she would be returning shortly. What was taking her so long?

Cana breathed twice into Lucy's mouth and continued chest compressions. She heard the cracking of the blonde's ribs and had to fight the urge to stop. She knew that in attempting to save her girlfriend, she was also hurting her. She didn't slow her chest compressions or press down on the blonde's chest more lightly, as she remembered what her CPR instructor had said when she voiced her concern about breaking the patient's ribs.

'If you aren't worried that you might break their ribs, then you aren't pressing down hard enough. Broken ribs are better than death.'

That's what he had told her. It was common to break ribs when performing CPR. Cana had to remember that and continue with the procedure without faltering once. She breathed twice into Lucy's mouth and resumed chest compressions.

The brunette woman internally swore that she would never leave Lucy's side again. She would do whatever she had to in order to protect her girlfriend. She just prayed that Lucy would wake up.

Why did she even leave her girlfriend alone with Brandish? Cana had gotten a bad feeling when the green-haired woman requested that she and Lucy be alone. Why didn't she insist on staying to protect Lucy? She silently cursed at herself for being so stupid and not listening to her gut feeling.

She prayed to any higher being that would listen. Promising to do anything if it would mean getting a second chance at the life she wanted with Lucy. She would dress more modestly. She would even stop drinking. She just wanted Lucy to open her beautiful eyes and call her "My Heart."

Cana's brows furrowed when she heard Lucy's ribs break a bit more. Still, she didn't relent. She heard Brandish speak again, "I'm sorry for killing her, but it was something I had to do."

Cana continued chest compressions as she yelled back, "what could Lucy have possibly done that made her deserving of death?"

She glanced at Brandish, seeing the woman look away almost sadly. The green-haired mage then answered, "her mother killed mine."

Aquarius twisted Brandish's arms behind her, causing the mage's face to twist in pain. Cana gritted her teeth, leaning down to breathe into Lucy's mouth twice. She pressed hard on the blonde's chest more. She then sneered her response, "that isn't an excuse. Lucy shouldn't be killed for something that her mother supposedly did."

She breathed into Lucy's mouth twice more before her girlfriend gasped for breath, her chest rising on its own. The Cana watched with widened eyes as Lucy coughed and gasped for air. The blonde took several minutes to take control of her breathing, her face twisted into a look of pain from her broken ribs.

Once Lucy was breathing more easily, an arm wrapped around herself to show that her broken ribs were paining her, Cana moved forward to place a hand on the floor next to Lucy's head and look down at her girlfriend.

She watched as Lucy opened her dark brown eyes. Eyes that Cana loved looking into and admiring. The two women smiled at each other before Lucy reached up to place a hand on Cana's cheek and whispered, "My Heart. Thank you." Cana felt tears prick the corners of her eyes as she leaned down to press a kiss on her girlfriend's lips.


I hope that I portrayed CPR accurately, with the exception of Lucy suddenly springing to life. I am not trained in CPR, though I plan to take lessons in the near future. I think that I did well since I used the Red Cross website to research CPR steps.

My update schedule:
August 16th: Birthday Kiss (Juvia x Lucy)
August 20th: Gifts from Layla Heart (Evergreen x Lucy)
August 24th: Drawn to Her (Zeref x Lucy)
August 30th: Bride Succubus Lucy Part 2: Alternate Ending (Vidaldus x Lucy x Juvia)
September 4th: Rune Mage to the Rescue (Freed x Lucy)
September 7th: Apology and Confession (Gajeel x Lucy)
September 12th: Reunited at Last (Mira x Lucy ft. Elfman)
September 16th: The Cat Caught the Fairy (Millianna x Lucy ft. Mirajane, Erza, Cana, and Levy)
September 20th: Mate of a Take-Over Mage (Lisanna x Lucy ft. Natsu)
September 27th: A Room Full of Lucy Ships (My Top 10 Lucy Ships)
October 1st: Go Talk to Her (Midnight x Lucy)
October 5th: Falling in Love with an Old Enemy (Minerva x Lucy ft. Natsu)
October 10th: We Wanna Ruin our Friendship! (Gajeel x Lucy x Rogue)
October 14th: Demon Lucy (Minerva x Lucy)

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