Falling for the Rescuer (Jura x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Knockout68.

I was not expecting to get this request. I don't dislike it. I don't ship it either, though. My opinion of this ship is a lot like Gildarts x Lucy, I don't ship it, but I also wouldn't mind reading a few fics about it. Unfortunately, though, I have not been able to find any Jura x Lucy fics. If you have any, then feel free to send them my way. 

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy groaned in pain as she lay on her stomach, her vision filled with nothing but darkness and her body screamed with pain. She cursed herself under her breath, questioning why she had decided to go on a solo job instead of accompanying Natsu on that job he had asked her to go on with him.

She had wanted to take a break from her team. She had wanted to take a quick job that paid well. She had wanted to take a job that just required her to take out a few bandits that didn't use magic. She hadn't expected it to turn out like this.

She had been fighting the bandits when they ran into a cave. Lucy had chased them into the cave, but just as quickly, the large rocks above the entrance collapsed, killing the bandits and breaking Lucy's legs. She had been fortunate enough to become trapped in a small space, so that her upper body wasn't crushed.

Lucy struggled to reach for her keys, hoping that if she was able to summon Horologium, then the spirit would be able to get her out of the cave, however, she was unable to reach them, the action causing too much pain as she twisted her upper body as best she could. After twisting back around, she took a few moments to still herself and waited for the pain she was in to dull just enough for her to make another attempt. She took a deep breath before she quickly twisted around and made a reach for her keys. She cried out in pain as she felt around for the keys on her hips, quickly twisting back around to lay completely on her stomach.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, sobs of pain racking her body. This was it. She was going to die here. She was going to either die of blood loss or from lack of oxygen. She wasn't going to see her friends again. She wasn't going to fight alongside any of her spirits again. She wasn't going to finish her book. She wasn't going to fall in love. She wasn't going to live her own life like she wanted to. This was how was the end for her. Her sobbing became heavier and her body shook, causing more pain to shoot through her. She buried her face in her folded arms, admitting her defeat and resigning herself to her eventual death.

Only a few minutes had passed before she heard a masculine voice call to her from the outside, "is somebody in there?"

Lucy popped her head up, her sobbing mostly coming to a stop. Tears still trickled from her eyes as she stared ahead. She heard a real voice, right? She wasn't hallucinating? She wasn't imagining it? She shouted back, desperate to get out from under the rocks that had fallen on top of her, "yes! I need help! Please, help me!"

The voice instantly responded, a concerned tone evident, "hold still!"

Lucy waited to be freed as she furrowed her brow at the voice. It sounded familiar. Where had she heard it before? She wracked her brain for a face to put to the voice. Her questioning was stopped when a rock was removed, light streaming into the space she was stuck in and shining into her tear-stained face. She closed her eyes and lowered her head as she listened to the rocks being removed. She felt the rock on top of her legs get lifted off of her, and a new wave of pain crashed onto her, causing her to bite her lip in an attempt to keep from crying out.

She was then gently lifted off the rocky ground. When Lucy felt herself being cradled against the hard chest of her rescuer, who was presumably walking away from the cave, she opened her eyes and looked up at him, releasing a small gasp when she saw who it was that the voice belonged to.

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