Thunderstorm Comfort (Freed x Lucy)

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This isn't a request, just something I wanted to write.

I got the inspiration to write this during a thunderstorm because I'm terrified of storms. You can view this as a sequel to Light or Dark if you want to, or not. Whichever you want.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy sat at a table with her team. As she sipped on the strawberry milkshake in her hand and watched Natsu and Gray fighting she heard a loud clap of thunder that was slightly muffled by the loud guildmates around her. She looked at one of the windows next to the guildhall doors to see a few flashes of lightning. She turned her attention back to the two young men that were practically throttling each other. Erza finally had enough and stood up, banging Natsu and Gray's heads together and effectively shutting the two up.

Lucy chuckled. She sat her now empty cup down and stood up. She walked to the stairs that led to the second floor of the guildhall and ascended them. She began making her way to the Thunder Legion's table with the intention of annoying her green-haired boyfriend, but quickly stopped in her tracks when she saw that he wasn't sitting with his three friends.

Lucy approached Laxus, Evergreen, and Bixlow, asking, "where's Freed?"

The three looked at her welcomingly as Laxus responded, "hello to you too, Blondie."

Lucy rolled her eyes goodhumouredly as Laxus and the other two mages with him chuckled. "hello, you three," Lucy finally greeted.

"Hey, Blondie."

"What's shaken, Cosplayer?"

"Nice to see you, Lucy."

Lucy asked her previous question again, "where's Freed?"

Evergreen was the one that spoke this time, "you mean your 'demon'?" She followed this counterquestion with a light laugh.

Lucy once again rolled her eyes. She didn't know how Laxus, Evergreen, and Bixlow found out that Freed's nickname for her was his 'angel' and Lucy's nickname for him was her 'demon,' but she greatly wished she could find out who told them and unleash Aquarius on them since Freed's teammates can't seem to forget it.

The blonde crossed her arms over her chest and gave the three mages in front of her a glare. Bixlow was the one that relented, "he's at our place."

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "why? Is he feeling alright?"

Bixlow shrugged as Laxus answered, "he just said that he didn't want to go anywhere." He gestured with his head to Evergreen and Bixlow as he added, "We just assumed that he was tired and wanted to sleep in."

Lucy nodded and muttered a "thank you" as she walked back down the stairs. She knew that she was probably being silly, but she couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was wrong. She walked back to the table where Natsu, Gray, and Erza were sitting at. It appeared as though they had gotten two job requests while she had walked away and were discussing the jobs.

Lucy sat down next to Gray, across from Natsu and Erza. Gray asked the blonde mage, "where'd you go?"

Lucy answered simply, "I was just curious as to where Freed was."

Gray nodded and turned his attention to the job requests that rest on the wooden table. Erza looked up at Lucy, asking, "we're trying to decide which of these jobs we will take once the weather clears."

Lucy looked at the two job requests. One was requesting a few mages to capture a small group of dark mages that has been robbing townspeople and disappearing without a trace. The reward was five-hundred-thousand jewel. The other job request wanted some mages to kill three wyverns that were killing livestock in a large farming village. The reward for this job was seven-hundred-thousand jewel.

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