One-Sided (Romeo x Lucy)

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This isn't a request. Just something I decided to write.

I think the idea of Romeo having a one-sided crush on Lucy is very cute. I've read a few fics about Romeo having a crush on Lucy and I love them all. Plus, Romeo's absolutely adorable and he doesn't get enough love. So, I'm going to write about him having a crush on Lucy.

Hope you enjoy it!


Romeo sat at the bar, grumpily sipping on a glass of apple juice.

He was fuming.

Once again, his father left on a job. Romeo had asked if he could go too, but his dad simply said "you're young, Romeo" and left. Now, Romeo was in a bad mood.

Why couldn't he go on a job? Just because he wasn't as skilled as his father at magic didn't mean he couldn't still help. He hadn't yet gone on any jobs, either alone or with another mage, because his father thought that he still needed to train more before he did anything remotely dangerous. Romeo, however, disagreed.

As Romeo continued to glare at the wall that sat on the other side of the bar across from him, a blonde celestial wizard could be heard scolding her team about being too destructive on their most recent job. Romeo couldn't help but chuckle a little. Typical Team Natsu.

He then Lucy inform her teammates that she would be taking a solo job this time. Cue the whining, Romeo thought to himself. Right on cue, Natsu, Gray, and even Erza were telling Lucy that they wanted to go with her. Throwing all sorts of reasons, the most common being that they wanted to protect her. After all, she does have a tendency to get kidnapped. Lucy, however, simply said that she would be fine and practically stomped to the request board, her still complaining team following on her heels.

Romeo focused his attention on what he would do while his father was away. He could practice his magic a bit more. He knew that Mira would be more than happy to spare with him. But, he didn't want to just train all the time. He wished that there were more things that he could do.

Suddenly, someone sat next to Romeo and placed their hand on his shoulder, making the boy jump in surprise. Sitting next to him was Lucy. Upon his reaction, the blonde immediately pulled her hand away, saying sweetly, "I'm sorry, Romeo! I didn't mean to startle you."

The boy shook his head. He asked, "what do you want?" Lucy didn't usually talk to him. Her attention was typically taken up by her team, especially Natsu.

Lucy smiled and held up a job request. She spoke when Romeo gave her a questioning look, not understanding why she was talking to him, "want to accompany me on a job? We'll be back before your father returns."

Romeo looked at her smiling face, shocked. Lucy actually wanted to go on a job with him? Why? The young mage looked at the job request. Taking it into his hands, he read it over. It was requesting a couple of mages to capture a dog that's been snatching food and personal items from people and running off. The townspeople have tried to capture the dog, but nothing has worked.

Romeo looked back at Lucy. She was smiling brightly at him, silently asking him to accompany her. The boy looked back at the piece of paper. The town was very close, only one or two hours away. The job seemed easy for them. Shouldn't take more than a day. The reward was a hundred thousand jewel and one silver celestial spirit key. The key must be what sealed the deal.

Romeo eventually came to the conclusion that it wouldn't hurt to accept. It'll give him something else to do, at least for a short time. The boy nodded at the older mage. Lucy grinned. She then told him to be here at eight in the morning tomorrow with some extra clothes packed. Romeo nodded and watched as Lucy walked away. He turned back to his juice, still wondering why Lucy wanted him to accompany her on a job that she had earlier said was going to be a solo one.

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