Swordsmanship Lessons (Kagura x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Knockout68.

I really like Kagura x Lucy (what's the ship name?). I think that they would make really good friends and I wish that they had some moments together.  I honestly can't remember if they did interact. I think that they look great as a couple. It's a really attractive ship and I wish there were other fics about them.

I should also note that I do not know anything about swordsmanship, so everything I write in this is what I got from Google.

I hope you enjoy!



Lucy rolled over onto her back, sweating and breathing heavily. She lay on the dirt of the training clearing and her arms were aching from having just done a hundred push-ups. As she took some time to catch her breath, she heard footsteps approaching her, followed by a voice that she enjoyed hearing, "you did good. Are you ready to begin sword training?"

Lucy responded breathlessly, "give me a few minutes, Kagura."

The celestial wizard looked up at Kagura and watched as she kneeled beside her. The Mermaid Heel mage responded, "the push-ups will get easier."

Lucy sighed and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She stared down at her lap, her breathing still heavy, though a bit less so now. She was relieved that she was finally going to start learning how to use a sword. She had been doing all sorts of exercises, all to improve her physical condition so that she could start her swordsmanship lessons.

She knew that learning how to use a sword wasn't exactly necessary, considering she had celestial spirits and a whip, but she still felt as though she had to do more. Too often she felt like she wasn't doing enough in battle, so she decided that she should broaden the range of weapons that she can use. Something that she had quickly noticed over the years was that swords were a common weapon that many mages used alongside magic. Thus, she decided that she would learn how to use a sword.

The obvious choice of teacher was Erza, however, Lucy didn't even think about going to her for lessons. Instead, she traveled to Mermaid Heel and asked Kagura to teach her swordsmanship. One may wonder why she had gone to a mage from a different guild rather than one of her closest friends. Well, the answer is simple.

Lucy is in love with Kagura.

She saw the lessons as a chance to get closer to the other mage, not just to learn how to use a sword. When Kagura agreed to teach her, she was incredibly happy as well as surprised, having expected the black-haired woman to turn her down. Lucy was, nonetheless, excited to begin the lessons.

They had decided to meet every Tuesday at this particular dirt clearing and surprisingly were able to keep the date without faltering once. Kagura had started her off by building her physical condition. Push-ups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, sword swings, and other such methods of exercise. This went on for a few months. It was tiring, but she managed to push through, determined to learn the art of sword fighting and become closer to her teacher.

She had many times attempted to ask out Kagura, but would either get interrupted to move on to some other exercise, or would be unable to speak the words that she wanted to. However, she wasn't discouraged. She was determined to ask out the gravity mage.

After having regained control over her breathing, she stood up, dusted off her clothing, and turned to face Kagura, giving her a large smile as she exclaimed, "I'm ready!"

Kagura gave her a nod before she turned around and walked to a nearby wooden table. It is here that she kept a couple of katanas along with a couple of wooden ones. Lucy frowned to herself upon noticing that Kagura hadn't returned her smile with any indication of enjoyment of their time together. In fact, she couldn't think of a single time that the Mermaid Heel mage seemed to be happy at all. Was she not enjoying her time with Lucy? Would she rather be somewhere else? If that was the case, then why had she agreed to teach Lucy?

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