Auction (Freed x Lucy x Rufus)

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This wasn't requested, just something that I wanted to write because I thought that it was an interesting idea.

If you aren't aware of what charity dating is, it's a process of raising money by auctioning off the chance to go on a date with another person. I thought that this would be a fun idea to write about. I might also put one in one of my planned stand-alone fics.

Also, I'm a little surprised I haven't written a Freed x Lucy x Rufus oneshot yet.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy sipped on her milkshake as she read a book. She was enjoying the rare calmness of the guild as she waited for her two boyfriends to arrive for a date, one of them returning from a job and the other making his way from his own guild. She was looking forward to seeing them, having not been able to do so for a few weeks.

As she turned to the next page, she heard Mira sing, "Lucy!"

The blonde looked up nervously, knowing that nothing good can come whenever her friend said her name like that. She watched as Mira slid over and smiled at her in an innocent way that was meant to deter others from catching onto whatever it was that she was plotting.

Lucy hesitantly asked, "what are you plotting?"

Mira tilted her head to one side and batted her eyelashes innocently as she questioned, "what do you mean?"

Lucy sighed and closed her book as she sat her milkshake on the bar, "what do you want?"

The barmaid clasped her hands in front of herself as she exclaimed, "the Master and I came up with a good idea to raise money for repairs to the guildhall whenever it's damaged from a brawl!"

Lucy raised an eyebrow. She would be a complete liar if she said that she wasn't interested in hearing this idea. So, she prompted her friend, "which is?"

Mira's blue eyes sparkled with pride as she happily announced, "we decided to auction dates with Fairy Tail women!"

Lucy stared at her for a few moments before she smiled and responded, "that sounds like it could be fun." That wasn't a lie, it really did sound like something that her guildmates could enjoy. Although, she wasn't sure about doing it herself.

Mira nodded before she continued, "I'm sure that everyone will have fun! Do you have an outfit that you could wear for it? I was thinking something formal!"

Lucy raised her hands, her palms facing Mira, as she said, "wait, wait. I don't know about me being in it."

"Why? It would be fun, and I'm sure that you'll get us a lot of money."

"But, I'm already dating." She wasn't sure about participating in the auction. Sure, it sounded fun, but she didn't think that her boyfriends would be keen on the idea, nor was she interested in going on a date with someone who she probably didn't know.

Mira begged, "please, Lucy! I just know that you'll get us a lot of money! It'll also be a guilds only thing, so whoever it is won't be a complete stranger. Plus, it isn't strictly a romantic date! It'll just be a hangout, really!"

Lucy thought about it. It really didn't sound bad. If only people from other guilds could attend, then she'll definitely know whoever it is that will win a date with her. Also, if it was only a hangout rather than a date, then that wouldn't be too bad. She never minded getting to know members of other guilds. She still wasn't sure how her boyfriends would feel about it, but since they were both very laid-back, she didn't think that they would be very bothered by the idea.

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