Dragon Mating Season (Laxus x Lucy ft. GaLe)

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This was requested on AO3 by Oddxddiams.

Dragon Mating Season is a writing trope (is that what it is? I'm not sure what exactly to call it) that I really like. I enjoy reading fics that are centered around Dragon Mating Season. The possible directions that the fic can take and the plots you can come up with are many. It doesn't really have many, if any, concrete rules. Sort of like the Omegaverse trope. That was a weird comparison, but whatever. The point is, I like it and I think that it's fun to play around with.

I hope you enjoy!


Laxus tapped his foot on the wooden floor, his well-muscled arms crossed over his chest. It seemed like he was inpatient, but that wasn't at all true. He gritted his teeth and glanced toward the blonde celestial wizard sitting at a table with her blue-haired best friend, talking about some books they had recently read. He looked away as he dug his nails into his upper arms. He was glad that the Thunder Legion had taken a job without him just as he was glad that Wendy and Natsu were also out on jobs. He didn't need his friends or any dragon slayers noticing his plight and nosing their way into his business.

The Lightning Dragon Slayer was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a deep voice ask, "you too?"

He turned around and watched with a furrowed brow as Fairy Tail's Iron Dragon Slayer walked around the table and sat in the chair opposite of him. Laxus gave a low growl as he looked away from the other man. Damnit! He forgot about Metalhead! He disdainfully looked at Gajeel as he snarled, "what do you care, Iron Chomper?"

Gajeel answered with a glare before he gave his verbal answer, "it's mating season for me too. I know how you're feeling." He wasn't one to offer sympathy to anybody, save for a few people, but he thought it wouldn't hurt to let his fellow dragon slayer know that he wasn't the only one fighting his dragon instincts. At least there was nobody that could hear them, and if anybody asked, he would adamantly deny ever even approaching him.

Laxus huffed, looking like an overgrown child. Gajeel was tempted to laugh, but he bit back the chuckle that rose in his chest. Instead, he smirked as he inquired, "who's yours?"

Laxus restrained himself from looking over at the blonde that he longed for. He stared Gajeel in the eye for a few silent moments before he mumbled his answer, "Blondie."

Gajeel leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, mirroring Laxus' posture. Deciding that he wanted to get a bit of a rise out of the other dragon slayer, he spoke with an even voice that had hints of a teasing tone, "Bunny Girl, huh? She's got looks, I'll give you that. Smart too. That's always a plus. When I first met her, I wouldn't of minded taking a roll in the hay with her."

Before he could continue, Laxus gave a low growl. "Watch what you say about her." He never liked the perverted way that men would often talk about Lucy, especially now. He watched as Gajeel closed his eyes as he chuckled. Realizing that the black-haired man was purposefully trying to make him angry, he asked, "who's your mate?"

Gajeel looked him in the eye and he answered, "Shrimp. The one talking to Bunny Girl down there." He gestured down at the two young women on the first floor of the guildhall.

Laxus looked down at the pair. So, the walking mound of metal in front of him had his eyes on Levy, huh? He chuckled and looked at his fellow dragon slayer, saying, "I hear from Ever that Droy and Jet have their eyes set on her. Good luck with them. They're not very strong, but they're stubborn as all hell."

Gajeel waved him off. He then asked another question, "how long is mating season for you? It's two weeks for me."

Laxus nodded, muttering, "two weeks for me too."

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