You Don't Need Her (Elfman x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by butterflyzilla.

I have a confession. I actually like Elfman x Lucy. Surprising, I know. I much prefer Elfman x Evergreen, but I also do like Elfman x Lucy. I don't know why I like this ship. I just do. That's all I have to say about the ship. I like it for some reason.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy jumped onto the stone barrier along the side of the canal outside of her apartment. She watched as Plue skipped a couple of feet in front of her. As expected, a fisherman called to her from below, "be careful, Lucy! Don't want you to fall in!"

Lucy waved to the man, smiling at him as she called back, "thanks! I'll be careful!" She turned back around and continued her way to the guild. She eventually hopped off of the barrier and picked up her small spirit. Once she reached the guild's doors, she sent Plue back to the Celestial Spirit World. She then pushed open the doors and walked over to the bar, requesting a strawberry milkshake from Mira. Once getting her cold drink, Lucy turned around and observed her guildmates.

She watched as Erza stuffed her face with strawberry cake and steadily grew annoyed at her guildmates beginning to get into a brawl. She watched as Natsu and Gray argued. She watched as Juvia drooled over Gray. She watched as Gajeel and Levy sat at a table together and talked. She watched as Laxus, Freed, and Bixlow sat on the second floor of the guild, talking.

The celestial wizard was about to approach the request board and look for a job request when she heard a familiar "that's manly!" She turned her gaze to the large man that had shouted his trademark saying. She chuckled and smiled as she watched Elfman point at his guildmates and proclaim how manly they are. Evergreen sat next to him, grimacing and blushing in embarrassment at her boyfriend's actions.

Lucy had always thought that Elfman's yelling about things or people being manly was amusing. It was a quality of the man that was fun to see. It gave Fairy Tail personality and made it fun for Lucy to be in the guild. She thought that Elfman was fun to be around. He was very nice and more respectful to her than many men that she's met in her life were. The large man was full of entertaining stories from jobs he's taken and he had a great sense of humor. Lucy had hung out with him quite a bit over the years, both with other guildmates and without. The two even had lunch together a few times.

She was saddened when Elfman began dating Evergreen. She wasn't sure if she had feelings for him or not, but she did know that she didn't like that the fairy mage had practically banned Elfman from hanging out with his female guildmates without her. Lucy didn't mind that, until she actually had lunch with the couple.

Evergreen would butt into the conversation often, making it difficult for Lucy to get out more than a few sentences. The brunette woman also would scold Elfman for his habit of yelling something was manly. It was obvious that she was embarrassed by this and didn't like it. Lucy didn't enjoy hanging out with them and eventually stopped doing so altogether.

She regretted that she no longer spent time with Elfman as much as she used to. She knew that there was nothing necessarily wrong with Evergreen, she just couldn't spend that much time with the brunette. She'd eventually become annoyed and have to leave before she can have a full, real conversation with the Strauss sibling.

Lucy turned back around on her stool, resting her elbow on the bar and propping her head on her hand. She stared off into space, thinking about her novel when she glanced at Mira. She sat up straight and turned her full attention to the white-haired woman, becoming concerned about the clear look of worry on her pretty face as she stared at their guildmates. Lucy asked, "Mira, what's wrong?"

Mira didn't answer. Instead, she placed a hand over her mouth and pointed toward the rest of the guild. Lucy sat her drink down and turned around. She watched as Evergreen practically stomped up the stairs to join her team. She turned her eyes to where Elfman was sitting, only to find that he wasn't there. She looked around to see the white-haired man walking toward the guild's back door, his head down. Lisanna ran to him and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him back. The man didn't even look at his younger sister. He instead brushed her off and walked out of the guildhall. Lisanna looked back at Mira, her eyes filling with tears and her hands covering her mouth.

Lucy was confused. Something had clearly happened between Evergreen and Elfman, but what was it. The celestial wizard hopped off of the stool she was sitting on and quickly walked out of the guildhall, following her guildmate. She walked outside to find him sitting against the large tree that sat behind the Fairy Tail building. His knees were pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs, and was staring at the river that ran behind the guild.

Lucy didn't know why she had followed him. She didn't know that she did so until now. Deciding to not go back, she slowly approached Elfman and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. The man jumped slightly and looked up at her. He quickly looked back at the river without saying anything to her.

The celestial wizard sat down next to him. She wasn't sure what she should say. She wanted to comfort him but didn't know how to do it. She decided to just sit next to him and hope that he would take some sort of comfort from it. She thought about bringing his sisters outside, but when they didn't emerge from the guild, she guessed that she probably shouldn't drag them out to comfort their brother.

After several minutes of silence, Elfman spoke in an almost whisper, "Ever broke up with me. She said I was too loud and obsessed with manliness."

Lucy rested her hand on his shoulder and gave him a look of sympathy. She hesitated before saying, "Elfman, you don't need her. There isn't anything wrong with you. The two of you just aren't compatible. I know it hurts now, but one day you will meet the woman you were meant to be with and you won't be sad about your break up with Evergreen. It's perfectly okay to be sad. Just don't let the hurt get the better of you."

The man looked at her from the corner of his eye. He lifted his head and turned to her with a small smile. He responded, "thanks."

Lucy smiled back at him. She stood up and held out her hands as she said, "come on, let's go to lunch together and get your mind off of what just happened."

Elfman stared at her hands for a few moments before he placed his big hand in his and allowed her to pull him up, with him giving her some help because he knew that she wouldn't be able to pull him to his feet on her own. The pair walked around the guild building to avoid their guildmates, especially Mira, and made their way to a small restaurant.

Unbeknownst to them, Mira was watching her brother and friend walking away together through one of the windows at the front of the guild. The white-haired woman smiled, happy to see a new couple emerge from a breakup.


I hope this was good. I had decided to go with a 'blooming romance' way of writing. I hope that I didn't paint Evergreen as a bitch, that wasn't my intention. I also hope that what Lucy said to Elfman was good advice. I am not experienced in romance or dating, so I don't know how to give advice on dating, romance, or breakups.

My update schedule:
June 23rd: You Will Pay (Mira x Lucy)
June 28th: Let Me Tell You a Story (Gray x Lucy x Juvia ft. Romeo)
July 4th: Please, Remember (Cana x Lucy)
July 7th: Bride Succubus Lucy Part 2 (Juvia x Lucy)
July 12th: Dragon Mating Season (Laxus x Lucy ft. GaLe)
July 16th: Get it Off Your Chest Part 2 (Cana x Lucy)
July 20th: Creating a New Couple (Gray x Lucy ft. Romeo and Mirajane)

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