Demon Lucy (Minerva x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by agarfinkel.

Here is a request that is similar to the Vidaldus x Lucy one. I predict that this one will become a bit of a series too.


I hope you enjoy!


Lucy was on guard, her hand hovering over her keys, as she walked through a dark, barren wasteland. The full moon was high in the sky and millions of stars dotted the night sky. If she wasn't on a job or on constant alert, then she would be admiring the stars. She didn't like how dark it was. She could barely even see where she was stepping.

The celestial wizard looked around herself, keeping an eye out for any enemy attacks. She was on a solo job, having wanted to get a break from her team. The job requestor wanted her to retrieve an heirloom that had been stolen, even telling her where the thief was. She thought that the job would be easy, however, she hadn't expected the journey to the thief's residence would take this long.

She sighed, contemplating the idea of having Virgo set up a campsite for her so she could rest and resume her journey in the morning, when she could see if someone was sneaking up on her. Her feet were almost throbbing with pain from so much walking.

As she pushed further, she thought about the events that had passed. The Grand Magic Games hadn't gone the way that she had expected, to say the least. She had a few scars from Minerva's brutal beating and still had nightmares about it. She hated being reminded of the Naval Battle, having a few times had panic attacks due to the memories.

She was hoping that this job would help her get the event out of her head. Help her forget about it if for only a short time. She was able to form a close friendship with Yukino and got along well with the rest of Sabertooth. Nevertheless, the mere thought of Minerva made her feel panicked.

The blonde woman noticed that her breathing had become shallow and quick while her heartbeat had quickened. She stopped walking and closed her eyes, remembering the breathing technique that Mira had taught her to calm herself. She breathed in slowly and deeply through her nose before she slowly breathed out through her mouth. She repeated this process until her breathing was stable and her heartbeat had slowed back to its normal pace.

She then resumed her walking, trying to keep her mind off Minerva and the Naval Battle. She instead thought about her guildmates. Fairy Tail was happy and lively in their large guildhall. She was happy to watch as the guild that she loved returned to how it was before Tenrou. She was happy to see that Fairy Tail had managed to take back its title as Strongest Guild in Fiore. She was also happy to see that Fairy Tail and Sabertooth had gotten over their rivalry and became friends, oftentimes having parties together.

Lucy was stuck in her thoughts about the guild that she loved and the friends that she had made when she was broken out of her mind upon hearing a scarily familiar voice, a voice that haunted her in the dead of night into her nightmares, "we meet again, Lucy."

The blonde froze in her tracks and stared fearfully ahead of herself, petrified of turning around to face the person that spoke. She felt her heartbeat quicken and her breathing became unstable. Her body trembled and she let out a few whimpers. She tensed when she heard a chilling chuckle and a series of slow footsteps.

Her mind screamed at her to start summoning her spirits and fight off the threat, something that she wasn't able to do during the Naval Battle, but could do now. However, she was too terrified. Her mind was active, but her body was frozen. A bead of sweat rolled down her temple as she listened to the footsteps come to a stop right behind her. She flinched and tensed even more when she felt a pair of gloved hands rest lightly but firmly on her shoulders. She felt the other woman's hot breath on her ear as the voice that she was hoping to never hear again spoke once more, low and intimidating, "I missed you."

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