Unexpected Partner (Orga x Lucy)

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This idea for a oneshot just popped into my head along with a few others, so I decided to write it.

Well, I'm sick. I am not experiencing Covid symptoms, so I don't believe I have that. I feel like garbage and it hurts to get out of bed. I am coughing every five minutes and am taking just enough NyQuil to not kill me, HOWEVER, that will not stop me from posting on schedule. If God wants me to stop writing, then He's gonna need to try a hell of a lot harder.

On another note, I actually really like OrLu. There aren't a lot of fics about these two, which is pretty sad, in my opinion. I have read a few, and I really like the ship. This shouldn't be too much of a surprise. I can't say why exactly I really like OrLu, I just do. I guess I like it because you can do quite a lot with them in fanfics and not be restricted by canon. I hope that made sense because I don't know any other way to explain it.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy sat at the bar, sipping on her favorite strawberry milkshake. She glanced at the request board and then at her team, seeing that Natsu and Gray were arguing while Erza was eating her strawberry cake and getting increasingly annoyed by her two male teammates. Lucy needed to go on a job for rent money but didn't want to deal with her team's destructive nature. Every time they went on a job together, Natsu would burn stuff, Gray would freeze whatever isn't on fire, and Erza would break whatever was left. This would leave Lucy to apologize for the destruction and lose what amount of the reward money was required to fix the damages.

She loved her teammates, she really did, but she couldn't go on every job with them. She had rent to pay, after all. She sighed, finishing off her cold drink and walking over to the request board. She looked at the reward money first, singling out the ones that offered the amount of money she was looking for, and then looking at what exactly the job request was about. She was still analyzing the pieces of paper when an arm wrapped around her shoulders. She knew who the arm belonged to.

A familiar voice greeted her, "Hey, Luce! Looking for a job we can do?"

Lucy looked over at Natsu, answering, "Sorry, Natsu, but I'm going on a solo job."

The dragon slayer pulled away, giving his best friend a look of shock and hurt. "What? We're partners! We go on jobs together!"

Lucy sighed. At least Gray and Erza weren't joining Natsu in his complaining. For now, at least. She shook her head and responded, "no, Natsu. Just because we're on the same team doesn't mean I'm obligated to go on every job with you. I am allowed to go on solo jobs. I have decided to go on a solo job."

She ignored Natsu's pouting in favor of turning her attention back to the request board. She quickly found one that paid three-hundred-thousand jewel. Enough for three months of rent with more than enough money left over to buy food. She read the request. Whoever sent it wanted a mage to take out a small dark guild and rescue the woman that had been captured by them and was being held hostage. It sounded like a job she could handle. Taking it off of the board, she headed over to Mira to get it approved.

Once Lucy reached the bar, Natsu began whining again, "come on, Luce! Let me go with you! It's been a whole month since I've taken a job!"

Lucy didn't look at him. She watched as Mira approved the job request and walked out of the guild to pack as she replied simply, "Go on one with Gray and Erza, or with Lisanna. I'm sure she would love to go on one with you."

She didn't listen for a response as she walked out of the guild and headed for her apartment. She wasn't sure how long she would probably stay in the town the job was in, but it'd probably be a good idea to pack for two weeks. That was quite a bit of packing, maybe she'll have Virgo help her.

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