The Cat Caught the Fairy (Millianna x Lucy ft. Mirajane, Erza, Cana, and Levy)

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This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.

I really, really like Millianna. I think she's cute, funny, and just generally enjoyable to watch. She's amusing. I also quite like Millianna x Lucy. It's an intriguing and cute ship, methinks. However, this should not be a surprise. I tried to find some fics about this ship, but couldn't find any. If you by any chance know of any, then please tell me. I refuse to accept that I am the only person that is writing a piece of fanfiction about Millianna x Lucy.

Also, I got an internship! I will be helping girls from Afghanistan learn. I'm not sure how this will effect my upload schedule, but hopefully it won't have too much of an effect.

I hope you enjoy!


Mira watched with a soft smile as Lucy laughed at something she had said. The barmaid polished a glass before observing that the blonde across from her at the bar had finished her strawberry milkshake. She walked away briefly to bring back a refill. The celestial wizard smiled and thanked Mira, causing the white-haired woman to blush and look down at her hands that were polishing another glass, her heart slightly picking up speed.

Lucy then continued to talk about a recent job with her team, failing to notice the lovestruck gaze that was directed toward her. Mira had developed romantic feelings for the blonde in front of her shortly after she joined the guild. She's tried several times to confess her feelings, but either wasn't able to keep the courage that she had built up or couldn't get Lucy alone long enough.

The white-haired woman was frustrated beyond belief. She deemed herself lucky that Lucy hadn't already gotten into a relationship. If she was being honest, she had both feared and expected Lucy to eventually start dating Natsu, however, she was proven wrong when Lisanna and Natsu had gotten together.

The take-over mage was so happy that the main contender for Lucy's heart wasn't a concern that she felt a rush of courage to confess her feelings. However, before she could, she realized that she didn't know for sure if Lucy was interested in women. She had decided to wait for the appropriate moment she could ask the celestial wizard what her sexuality was.

Deciding that this current moment was the right one, she waited for Lucy to finish her story and begin sipping on her cold beverage. The white-haired woman sat the polished glass in her hands to the side and leaned forward to rest her chin in her palm as she propped her elbow on the bar. She asked, a smirk on her pretty face, "so, Lucy, are you into men or women?"

She chuckled as Lucy flew into a coughing fit, having choked on her milkshake upon hearing that question. Once she regained her composure, the blonde looked at Mira with wide, surprised brown eyes. Chocolaty brown eyes that Mira felt as though she could just melt into. The celestial wizard stuttered, "w-what?"

Mira chuckled some more and repeated, "are you into men or women?"

Lucy raised an eyebrow as she straightened on the stool she sat on, questioning, "are you asking what my sexuality is?" Mira nodded with a smile, silently hoping that she was into women. Lucy blushed and looked down at the bar, visibly flustered. She stammered, "I-I well...I guess I' in both...though, I think I lean more t-towards women."

Mira suppressed the grin that was trying to fight its way onto her face. Instead, she maintained a soft smile. She was ecstatic with that knowledge. Now that she knew the woman she loved was interested in women, she just had to find the perfect opportunity to confess.

Erza and Lucy walked through a marketplace, looking at the food, clothes, and other items that were being sold in a line of stalls. The two women were on a job together in Lilly Town, enjoying the peace they were able to get from Natsu and Gray.

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