Chapter 174 | Chaos Is The New Cocaine

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He cut through his enemies with a speed that a few can fathom, let alone try to imitate. His grace borderlined on inhumane, and his sword almost always bore down with blood. The little smile that quirked his snowy lips chilled every soul to the bone as if he indulged himself in some sweet treat or a hushed and whispered secret.

Today was no different, in Matthew's opinion. As he lazily retracted his blade from his opponent, he stood upright for a brief moment, but a kick and stomp from his boot sent the rest of his enemies toppling over themselves. The black orbs of the creatures were diminished, and they lay splattering and hissing with the dry air.

"Fuckin' pitiful," he spat disdainfully at them, before turning on his heel, the dust swirling around him in chaotic maelstroms of air. The gusts whipped and tore at his partially undone black collared shirt, a clear indication that he wasn't prepared for this encounter. After all, he had been halfway through a crucial meeting with the Allegient board when the Defqon One had forcibly dragged him to Isadora.

His shoes sank into the earth with an unfamiliar resistance, a stark contrast to the polished floors of the corporate world he had been navigating earlier that day. His movements became jerky, lacking the usual fluidity, as he grappled with the unexpected turn of events. So, when the sound of applause echoed around him, it caught him completely off guard.

Clapping? Who in their right mind would be applauding him in this chaotic scene?

With an air of calm, he tilted his head, allowing his blond hair to cascade over his face like a tempestuous sky. The light appeared to gather and coalesce around him as his heightened senses honed in on the source of the sound. With a predatory glare fixed on his target, he advanced towards her, ready to end it all.

His fingers clenched around the hilt of his sword, the surge of energy pulsating through him creating an electric atmosphere. Yet, despite his readiness for battle, the unexpected arrival of Cid and the horde of monsters gave him a momentary pause, disrupting his calculated advance. With Cid's appearance came the unexpected presence of Eko and Teshia, both thrown to the upended broken gravel at his feet.

Cid's hand then rose into the air, conjuring a protective dome that enveloped both him and Isis, who stood in close to him.

The warriors swiftly closed in on the imposing dome that separated them from Cid, Isis, and the girls. Matthew stood at the forefront, pounding furiously on the barrier, his desperate cries for Eko lost amidst the impenetrable shield. Toni followed closely behind, clad in his Allegiant formal attire, the fabric stained with the evidence of battle—blood, cuts, and bruises marking their collective struggle. Each breath they took weighed heavily on them, their fists clenched tightly around their weapons, poised and ready for whatever was about to happen next. 

In the heat of the moment, Richie struggl her ed to dissuade Vause from any rash actions as the stakes continued to escalate.

"You have no quarrel with them!" Vause ordered, his resolve wavering but determined. "Nothing!"

Matthew took a deep breath, feeling the crackle of his powers at his fingertips. His once clear and level-headed mindset had vanished with the knowledge that Eko was in danger.

"Matthew," Toni's voice was steady beside him, "what's the plan?" He assessed the situation, trying to determine the best approach to safely retrieve Eko and Teshia. He could see the turmoil in his best friend's eyes, the way his clenched fist trembled against the dome, the veins in his arm pulsing with the surge of his powers.

Before Matthew could respond, Isis let out a loud laugh, her hands clapping together once more. The warriors stood before them, transfixed as if they were a burst of color in a monochrome world. They were the blacks amidst the grays, the whites, pinks, and reds against a backdrop of weathered aisles painted in shades of sienna, amber, and bronze.

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