Chapter 128 | "We're Playing A Dangerous Game"

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Toni ran his fingers through his hair, visibly disturbed, much like the others. This situation wasn't supposed to unfold; it wasn't the wake-up call they had anticipated.

"What a morning," Jasmine exclaimed, taking a seat at the table and attempting to comprehend the recent events, pressing her hands to her face, taking in what just happened. "I really just want to wake up from this dream."

"Babes, it's not a dream," Mya sighed. She shifted her focus to Jesse, who had managed to break free from Richie's grasp.

Stepping forward, Jesse seized a nearby tablet and angrily hurled it to the ground. Mya swiftly caught Richie's wrist, restraining him and signaling with a shake of her head to refrain from intervening while Jesse released her pent-up frustration.

The group stood in shock as she continued to scream, cursing Cid's name while frantically grabbing and breaking anything within her reach.

Eko stepped back cautiously, observing the fierce outburst of emotions. Toni appeared almost shell-shocked, a sentiment that Richie seemed to share. Glancing at Matthew, she noticed he too seemed deeply affected by the unfolding chaos.

What she knew looking at the office and the people around her was that she knew more than anyone that there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. Not even a warrior can with all of their powers.

"Jesse," Matthew's voice cut through the turmoil, his focus unwavering. "Get the crystal and activate SIO, even if the barriers and network are only at 65%. It's better than nothing."

His tone held a gravity that drew Eko's attention and she stepped into his line of sight. Gently tilting his chin to meet her gaze, attempting to redirect his gaze, but his troubled eyes remained fixed ahead on the raging storm outside as he continued with his instructions.

Jesse, with her fiery red hair pulled up into a high messy bun, sharply inhaled at his command. Without any sign of protest, she strode toward the cabinet housing the crystals. With a few taps, the cabinet came to life, glowing as she keyed in her access codes. The door swung open, revealing one of the three remaining crystals.

"Eric," Matthew continued, pulling away from Eko's touch, his demeanor colder than before, leaving her with a puzzled frown.

"I need additional support from the elders. Explain the situation and request guards stationed at every post for Isis's return. I want a meeting with them as soon as possible."

Eric struggled to gather his thoughts, his response emerging in a jumbled manner. "I'll arrange it within an hour," he finally replied.

Matthew nodded in acknowledgment, and Eric vanished in a flash of light, understanding the urgency of the situation. Jesse quickly followed suit, exiting the room with determination, with Toni and Jasmine trailing behind, ready to assist in a the activating the barriers around Allegiant.

Eko continued to scrutinize Matthew, noting his persistently comatose state, before shifting her focus to Mya and Richie. They watched her with apprehension, mirroring the concern evident on her face.

"Go," she silently conveyed to them, understanding that whatever needed to be discussed would be done in private. With that, the duo left the room, and as the doors closed behind them, a weighty silence settled in.

Eko watched Matthew closely, taking in his labored breaths. His open shirt revealed the pronounced rise and fall of his chest, a testament to his agitation. The tension in his muscles was palpable, and he gripped his sword as if it were a lifeline, his knuckles white from the pressure.

She knew that in moments like these, he could be as unpredictable as a storm. With a deliberate motion, Eko placed her Catania swords on a nearby chair, the sound of metal clinking cutting through the charged silence. Her gaze remained locked on him as she maintained a cautious distance.

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