Chapter 156 | The One Who Is Compartmentalizing

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Timeline - 36 hours ago

"It was yesterday this all happened," Jesse begun her story.

Having finally reached the hotel room, picking a room and gazing at the suite. Their concierge had set them up on the balcony with a bottle of wine, and the girls sat around Jesse. They needed to know what was happening with her and her filthy mood swings.

—- —-

Jesse curled her hand into Aiden's arm as they strolled along the streets of Isadora, absentmindedly talking about Allegiant and the new training programs that had been put into motion for the young cadets onboarding that year.

"We haven't had beautiful weather like this for the past week," Jesse smiled.

"We haven't," Aiden replied, smiling.

It was silence after that, as the two continued to walk together before whatever was on Aiden's mind had finally taken its toll, "I've been thinking a lot lately. About you. About me. Us."

Jesse looked at Aiden, her heart speeding up, hope reaching her eyes. Aiden led them to a bench as he held her quivering hand.

"Yeah?" gesturing for him to continue.

"I guess the wedding of our Headmaster has me thinking a lot, we've all seen the publishing articles about his life and with his fiancé. Future plans and all, it gets a man running."

"Aiden," Jesse couldn't believe she was hearing this.

Aiden was finally coming to terms with everything in their past, with the war, with the fact his parents were gone like everyone's else's.

He seemed happier, he seemed like he understood that there was light at the end of the tunnel.

"You and I, things have changed a lot, and I've been seeing a lot of Dr. Spencer as required for continuing my exams and education in Allegiant's system which was mandated through the board, after the breakdown I had on Karax."

Jesse nodded at that particular review and his attendance. Also, that Matthew slapped him with a severance and requirement to continue on in the academies, he needed mandated therapy lessons with Teddy.

"I fully support that for you," she nodded.

"But the thing is, I'm in a different place to where you are."

"I'm not following?"

Aiden nodded, "Dr. Spencer has really inspired me to see beyond the trauma. To focus on what has been causing these anxiety attacks."

"The route of the problem," Jesse questioned him, "his really good like that."

"But I cannot keep lying to myself nor you."


"That's why I think to really be serious in all of this, I think it would be a great time for us-"

"-wait, hold up. Before you even continue that sentence, please do not tell me you are proposing!" Jesse didn't even think that through, "Aiden were not even there yet."

Aiden looked over his shoulder, he clearly wasn't expecting that.

"Marry. Oh, no, no, no," he started nervously.

Jesse felt her body relax a fraction, letting out a deep breath at that awkward conversation they would of have to have had. She was in no way, in any mind frame to be dealing with that in her life right now.

"Phew," she laughed.

"I want to break up Jesse."

She froze. Was he serious?

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