Chapter 51 | Teddy

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"What is the definition of insanity?" Teddy leaned into his grey armchair lounge, tablet poised with his pen. His thoughts had been interrupted by the man rambling for the past twenty minutes.

"Doing the same thing," Matthew stopped in his tracks with his thought process upon Teddy's question, "over and over and over..."

"and expecting a different result, perhaps?"

The Commander rolls his eyes "that wasn't where I was going with this."

"You were repeating your day in circles. You met with the high officials; Eric attended, the very same Elder that you have quite a bizarre relationship with-"

"-working friendship but continue."

"The same that knows that you hold a crystal with extraordinary powers."

"Did you not hear me just say working friendship, just the same as the friendship I hold with you."

"Psychologists do not hold friendships, Commander."

Matthew smirked, "keep telling yourself that, Teddy."

Teddy resumes in perfect mannerisms, "I believe from your ramblings that there was an hour of Headmaster Cid pacing that got on your nerves."

"He slouches; it's a trait that annoys me. As does the incessant clicking with his tongue." Matthew imitated the man with a bad posture.

"You also mentioned that a year from the funeral, we will see a New Queen or King become elected by the heads of state, thus introduced into power."

Matthew straightened himself in the tiny white and minimalist office that Teddy resides in, watching as the man shook his sandy hair at him before he returned to the tablet jotting down notes from the session.

"Did I mention the funeral is in four days?"

"You have, and I sense hesitation."

Curiously, cocking his head, Matthew studied the man briefly before he took on the habit that his notorious Headmaster had developed and began pacing.

"What hesitation is that?"

"Naturally, as stated from your last session, Cid is more inclined to launch full force at the Eastern borders, he wants the barriers broken, and that can be done with yourself and your team's certain use of skills."

"Killing spree, you can say it, Teddy. Killing. Spree."

"I do not condone that," brown eyes peer up from the tablet, almost ready to scold the soldier, "cause and effect, remember that."

Matthew moved the conversation along, "back to the whole 'hesitation' you picked up on," waving his hand in front of him to elaborate on his point. "We do not know enough. If we let one of them slip away, if Ezra escapes, then we will have a war unlike anything else, and that will be our fault. Cause and effect."

"So, we wait."

"Which is what I recommended; we have waited all these years; what are a few more months of getting our ducks in a row."

"Your issue?" Teddy paused briefly, peering over the oversized black brim glasses that adorned his oval face. Matthew paused from pacing between the simple black leather couch and the coffee table, his mind was indulging in something that he wasn't sharing.

Teddy waited a moment, and with no answer, he returned to the tablet, momentarily allowing Matthew to speak.

"He wasn't having a bar of it. Your mate was going into a fit." That caught Teddy's attention swiftly, raising it to meet Matthew's smirk, who was ready for the scolding.

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