Chapter 140 | December 12th | There's No Place Like Home

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Timeline - December 12th | ( 9 Days later)

She finally unpacked the last few items from her bags and boxes that had been lingering in the bedroom since he had told her to move in permanently with him. 

Her boyfriend had dropped the bomb so casually while packing his bags for his upcoming meetings. Kissing her goodbye, he nonchalantly mentioned that she should just stay with him, pack her stuff, and make herself at home over the next few days while he was gone. There wasn't anywhere else she wanted to be, he loved her and she loved him, so the idea of living together seemed like a natural progression.

The thought had never occurred to her, and considering they were practically living with each other at that point, having all of her stuff up there with him seemed easier. When he asked her, she couldn't deny that it made her heart soar.

So, on that Sunday afternoon, she busied herself with the remaining boxes that Matthew had never bothered to unpack, rearranging items between the office and their bedroom.

The cramped space posed a challenge, and she had no idea where to place even half of their belongings.

To her annoyance, it also meant that the clothes in the room weren't packed away as neatly as she desired. More than half of her wardrobe was still in her old dormitory.

Literally, her wardrobe that he had brought her seemed to overshadow what he owned. The ensuite bathroom was crammed with all of her stuff, and their hallway and the office were strewn with weapons.

The office wasn't nearly as neat as Cid had left it, and they didn't think they could ever get it to look as clean, bland, and minimalistic as he lived.

This was one of those times she greatly missed being a royal. There was ample space for her things, and she also had a servant for everything.

Right now, she needed about five additional hands to help her with this chaos.

What she also needed was someone to just follow them around and just tidy everything up behind them. Especially her wardrobe, it was out of control and she had no idea how to even begin to organize any of it.

As she maneuvered through the bedroom, a grin played on her lips at the notion that captivated her. Surely, she could locate a cadet more than willing to undertake that task. The newcomers would go to great lengths to please their headmaster.

With a grin, she was well aware of the specific individuals who would be up for the task. With that in mind, she departed from the bedroom and made her way down the corridor that led to the office, scattered with their day-to-day combat weapons.

Stepping over one that needed cleaning, it was evident the boys had dumped and run again.

In addition to the weapons cluttering the area, tablets projected construction plans and defense measures they had all been diligently working on. Primarily, these plans included template designs of weapons approved for the SIO system. The main emphasis was on the mechanics of SIO, and once more, it stayed in the office as a prototype. Keeping the fabrications of it undisclosed was crucial, especially since the information would be intertwined with one of the spare crystals they had, making it too dangerous to have that knowledge out in the open.

"Now, where was that box?" she muttered aloud, attempting to locate her shoes. When the box proved elusive, she started moving between the two rooms, and an idea began to take shape in her mind.

They had scarcely broached the topic since Cid left, and it was Mya who had initiated the conversation. During a recent coffee meeting, Mya deftly shifted Eko's focus from talking about Matthew—whom she felt was hiding something—to Sawyer, and finally, to Richie. Amidst these discussions, they touched on an idea that actually seemed quite promising. If blame were to be assigned for planting the seed that this could be a genuinely good idea, it rested squarely on Mya.

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