Chapter 104 | "My Girl"

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Twenty minutes had passed. Matthew stood just outside the club, freshly showered and dressed in plain pants and a white cotton shirt. He took a deep, unsettled breath, trying to ignore the way his chest tightened with each inhale, making it difficult to maintain a steady rhythm. His heart seemed to race with a mind of its own, each beat echoing in his ears as he struggled to calm the storm brewing inside him.

The nightlife of Isadora thrived around him. Drunken revelers filled the streets, their laughter and chatter merging into a chaotic symphony he barely registered. Pulsating music spilled out from the club, its upbeat dance beat driving the intoxicated crowd to grind against one another, kissing with the fervor of teenagers who had forgotten the ever-present shadow of war.

Matthew glanced around, his eyes scanning the sea of bodies without truly seeing them. His mind was elsewhere, caught in a whirlwind of thoughts and anxieties that refused to be tamed. The club's neon lights cast a garish glow over the scene. 

In the shadows of a distant building, an onlooker watched, cloaked in darkness. She observed Matthew closely, her eyes keenly noting the slight tremor in his hands and the tension in his stance. A smile played on her lips—she was here to study him, the boy whom Cid held in high regard, the very same one he kept a watchful eye over, much to her disapproval. He was not to be killed, however; harmed was a different conversation entirely.

She took in every detail, from the way he nervously ran a hand through his hair to the subtle way he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. To her, this young boy was a mere distraction, an obstacle in her quest to gain leverage over her husband, a hindrance in this war. She saw him as a pawn, a piece in a game she intended to win at all costs.

Her gaze never wavered as she watched him glance at the six-story building, his expression a mix of determination and unease. He shook his head, a brief, almost imperceptible gesture, and disappeared inside. She remained where she was, shrouded in darkness, knowing there was time. She held a world of patience, and she intended to use it.

****** ******

Entering into the pulsating music, Matthew was greeted by the bouncers at the front who nodded and let him in. The club's chaotic energy enveloped him immediately. As he passed through the rowdy crowd of cadets and soldiers, all eyes seemed to follow him, their voices merging into an unending cacophony. The pulsating, nauseating strobe lights made his head spin as he navigated the crowded bar.

He needed to find his friends, and luckily, they always occupied their usual booth when they came to this club. He pushed through loud bouts of screaming and laughter, the familiar voices guiding him. Finally, he spotted Mya and Jesse, completely and utterly wasted, singing into the microphone and butchering a song he actually liked.

Sawyer observed from nearby, his eyes flicking between Mya, Jesse, and the entrance. Fortunately, Matthew soon spotted Toni, Richie, and Jasmine. They had noticed him and gestured for him to join them.

"Well, look who decided to finally grace us with his presence!" Richie smirked, watching as Toni raised a free beer to Matthew as he approached.

"Calmed those raging hormones of yours from this morning? Jesse told us what happened," Toni teased with a smile, while Jasmine tried to conceal any form of emotion, aware of how volatile Matthew looked.

"Not a fucking chance," Matthew deadpanned, knocking back the beer to take the edge off. "Then I get this drunken phone call from Eko and Jesse," he explained, scanning the bar with a furrowed brow.

"The girls mentioned that you were now coming from their call," Richie seized the opportunity, handing him one shot after another. Matthew continued to knock them back without hesitation.

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