Chapter 170 | Distractions

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"Hey? Talk to me?" Matthew's voice surrounded Eko, his genuine concern palpable in the air. Nausea crept up on her like an unwelcome guest, prompting her to swiftly rise from the chair.

"I just don't feel well," Eko managed to utter, feeling the bile rising in the back of her throat. Her hand instinctively clutched over her mouth, trying to contain the discomfort, before she bolted to the bathroom, Matthew following closely behind.

She burst into the bathroom, barely reaching the toilet before succumbing to retching, as she dropped to her knees, with Matthew immediately kneeling beside her. "Hey, where is this coming from?" he comforted her, gently rubbing her back, his worry evident in his voice.

Eko pulled back as the waves of nausea began to subside, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. "It's just... everything," she managed to say between heaves, her hand trembling as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Today's been a lot."

"You've been like this for the past few days. Are you sure you're not coming down with something?" Matthew leaned in, his touch gentle as he pressed his hand to her sweaty forehead, concern etched in his features.

Eko shook her head, her complexion draining of color as she looked up at him with a mixture of fear and resignation. "You know how I get like this," she whispered, her voice trembling with apprehension. "You're prepping for surgery tomorrow, and it's not just a small routine one. You know I don't handle these days well."

"So you're telling me that how you're feeling has nothing to do with what we just discovered in there? Madison? The crystal? This whole time paradox thing?" Matthew he pressed for answers.

Eko bit her lip, struggling with the weight of the truth she carried. She was the princess they were all searching for, the one who possessed the crystal that held the key to everything. The realization gripped her like a vice around her neck, making her physically ill.

The bile surged up in the back of her throat once more, and she turned away, dry heaving into the toilet as waves of pain washed over her. Matthew moved quickly to her side, rubbing her back in a soothing motion as he gently held her hair back.

"That's it, just get it out," Matthew encouraged gently.

With a deep breath, Eko leaned back onto her knees, her hands clutching the seat as she turned her head slowly to her husband beside her. His gentle touch, sweeping away some of her stray hairs, offered a small solace in the midst of her anguish.

She stared at him, tears welling up in her eyes, grappling with the weight of the secret she had been harboring from him all along.

"Eko?" Matthew's voice was filled with concern and confusion, his gaze searching hers for answers.

"I'm so lost," Eko trembled, her voice quivering with emotion. "I can barely wrap my head around any of this - the crystal, the war... it's all just too much today."

Matthew's expression softened, as he absorbed her words. "I know it's a lot to take in, but I just want you to keep pushing forward. " He said gently. "We know they're after another crystal, the one that could cause a time paradox. Our next move is to find it and protect the person who holds it. That's our next move. It's the only way we can stay ahead of this."

Eko nodded slowly, attempting to regain control over her racing thoughts and emotions. Doubt continued to gnaw at her, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and uncertain.

"Hey, I got this, okay?" Matthew's eyes met hers. He wanted her to know that he had everything under control, that she didn't need to worry about the chaos surrounding them. "Eko? Hey," he moved closer, gently cupping her cheeks in his hands. "I promise you, I got this."

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