Chapter 175 | Death And All His Friends | The Elders

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In the distance, cries and screams tore through the air like jagged blades, slicing through the eerie silence that had once draped their realm. Eric could hardly distinguish anything beyond the chaos reigning down upon them—the discordant symphony of destruction orchestrating their downfall. The assault, swift and merciless, caught even the wisest of Elders off guard, shattering their illusions of invincibility.

With every heartbeat, Eric felt the weight of their impending doom bearing down upon him. He was fleeing not just the physical onslaught, but the psychological torment inflicted by those who had betrayed them—the ones who pledged allegiance to the Sorcerer and Sorceress, the architects of their suffering.

His frantic footsteps echoed across the plains, a grim rhythm matched only by the pounding of his heart. Each stride propelled him past fallen comrades, their lifeblood staining the once pristine ground, transforming it into a macabre canvas of crimson. Their desperate hands, now mere shadows of their former strength, clung to walls and pillars, leaving trails of scarlet in their wake.

As Eric pushed forward, uncertainty gnawed at his core. What awaited him beyond the carnage? Would he find solace or further despair? The metallic tang of blood permeated the air, assaulting his senses and guiding his path through the labyrinthine corridors.

Finally, he burst into one of the grand halls that led to the main audtioriums that he knew the grand elders had been, his heart siezing as their once-proud domain was now a scene of devastation. It was then that Mina emerged from her hiding spot, her eyes wide with fear and relief as she reached out, grasping Eric with trembling hands. Gathering her to him, the both picked up the pace and continued running.

As they entered the once-hallowed grand halls, now desecrated by the touch of darkness, Mina and Eric felt their spirits plummet. The pristine elegance that once defined their realm now lay shattered, replaced by a scene of unspeakable horror. Among the opulent architecture, a figure of malevolence stood as a stark contrast, its presence casting a shadow over the remnants of their once-proud domain.

Mina's breath caught in her throat as she beheld the grotesque silhouette amidst the devastation. The sight of their fallen grandest of elders, their lifeless forms scattered like discarded puppets, sent a chill coursing down her spine. Eric's jaw tightened as he took in the sinister visage before them—a being of darkness and malice, its blackened form radiating an aura of malevolence that seemed to seep into the very fabric of their reality.

With a sense of urgency born of terror, Eric instinctively pulled Mina close, shielding her from the looming threat. His muscles tensed as he prepared to confront the embodiment of their nightmares, his mind racing to find the right words amidst the overwhelming fear that gripped him. Though his voice faltered, his determination remained steadfast as he braced himself for what came next. 

"You will not be aiding the queen this time," the Beast declared, Eric and Mina stood frozen in disbelief. The weight of its words hung heavy in the air, suffocating them with a sense of dread they could scarcely comprehend. "You will not be a part of this war this time. You had done enough damage the first time with what you taught her."

Before they could muster a response, they found themselves surrounded by a white veil of Elders, their faces grim with determination, their weapons drawn in readiness for battle. Though their numbers were few, their resolve to defend their kind burned brightly.

"W-what war?" Eric stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "First time?"

The Beast nodded, and his words were more prudent, "you will not be helping the Queen to defend her crystal from me. We will not be revisiting that act of defiance."

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