Chapter 117 | Dance With The Devil

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Eko danced through the battlefield like a force of nature, her movements both graceful and lethal. Around her, the monsters fell one by one, unable to withstand the fury of her power. Blood painted the ground beneath her feet as she pirouetted again, the violence intensifying around her. In that moment, she was in her element, her body moving with fluid precision as if the chaos around her was merely a choreographed dance. She didn't give a second thought to how many she slaughtered, each strike purposeful, each movement deadly.

They stood in her way of protecting him. Matthew was not like her; he didn't hold the power of gods at his fingertips, and few could cope with these kinds of creatures. Her only objective was to reach him, to ensure his safety amidst the carnage.

Eko maneuvered through the chaos with deadly precision, her powers slicing through the relentless onslaught of monsters and beasts blocking her path. Their heads fell at her feet, the ground littered with the bodies of the fallen. Her focus never wavered, her resolve steel-hard, as she carved a direct line to him. Her eyes, fierce and unyielding, locked onto her target, and nothing could deter her from reaching him.

The only way out of this was at the cost of ruining this planet once and for all. She turned at the violent sound of Matthew screaming, her heart lurching in her chest. She watched as a heavy fist knocked him to the ground, and the sight spurred her on. Eko knew she needed to dispose of these youmas fast. With a swift flick of her sword, she plunged it into the belly of a beast, unleashing a surge of energy that sent the creature flying.

As she turned to face Matthew, making sure he was still coping, her eyes widened in shock. She witnessed him unleashing a massive energy blast towards Xero, who stood before him. The sheer force of the blast illuminated the battlefield, casting eerie shadows across the scene. Eko was stunned, her mouth dropping open in disbelief. "Fuckkk offfff! Ace?" she breathed, the revelation hitting her like a physical blow.

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Gasping for air, every breath felt like fire in Matthew's lungs. He fought to his knees, the ground beneath him spinning from the relentless assault. With every ounce of strength, he pushed himself up onto his feet, his body trembling with the effort. His hands shook uncontrollably as he struggled to regain his balance, the world around him a blur of chaos and danger.

With his heart beating wildly in his chest, and just as he thought he might collapse again, a firm hand grabbed his arm, steadying him. Matthew looked up to see Eko amidst the chaos, her face streaked with blood and dirt, her eyes fierce with determination.

Eko's smile, fierce and unwavering, met his battered, bloodied gaze. She allowed him to breathe deeply, the echo of magic pulsating around them. She was keenly aware of the magic flooding into her bones, bringing a summery crispness to the air, lingering and rippling her skin.

Oh, Matthew was definitely Ace. There was no question about it now. Being this close to him was like a light switch turning on so brightly that she could feel him in every depth of her bones. The connection was undeniable, an electric current that surged through her, igniting every nerve.

Before she could even check on him, to breathe him in, to understand what any of this meant going forward, they both felt the presence of monsters ambushing them. Eko was hit to the ground first, targeted by the critters who wanted to keep her separated from him as instructed. The impact jarred her, but she rolled with the fall, quickly getting back on her feet, her sword flashing in a deadly arc as she cut down the nearest youma.

Matthew barely had time to process the situation or help Eko when Xero suddenly reappeared, lunging at him with a shard in hand. Reacting swiftly, Matthew grabbed hold of the claw that held the shard, his heart racing as he grappled with Xero. However, Xero's strength was overwhelming, and he forced Matthew to the ground. Fear and desperation coursed through him as he struggled to regain control, his mind racing to come up with a plan.

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